Only hurt him

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Tala's Pov

I felt Gavin give my a hand a light squeeze and I couldn't contain my happiness. I was so happy that I squealed, which if you know me, you know that I never do! This gave me hope, hope that Gavin would make it and that I could soon again hug him and kiss him and have him all to myself. I picked myself up off the floor where I was surrounded by my tears, walked to the door shut out the light, but the light from the hall was coming in from under the door and the window let in some light because it was still somewhat light outside. I sat down on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs, and pulled it close to Gavin's bed, grabbed his hands and prepared myself for a long night of being woke up by nurses. My eyes got tired and I drifted into a light sleep.

I was waken up by many different nurses that night and didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep. It was now 8:00 am and I was sitting on the uncomfortable chair, still, and watching Gavin, praying that he would wake up soon. One of the rude nurses turned the light on on me, but it was kind of nice that I didn't have to. My eyes were getting heavy again and I was about to fall back asleep, when the door opened and Sally and Mark walked in.

"Hey Tala" Sally said.

"Hi" I said back.

"How'd you sleep?" Mark asked. How do you think I slept with nurses coming in all the time. I thought. Wow I need to get some sleep!

"Umm ok, but a lot of nurses came in so not that good." I complained.

"Oh, here take the keys and go to our hotel and get some rest." Mark offered. I denied it, and continued to sit there. Then I thought for a second.

"You know maybe I will take you up on that offer." I said looking at the smirk on Mark's face.

"That's what I thought." he laughed.

"I'll drive u!" Sally said exitedly.

"Alright." I said turning back to Gavin. I stood up and kissed his lips softly. it was weird not having him kiss me back but I couldn't of expected him to do so.

As Sally drove me to the hotel she gave me Mark's cell to call her when I was ready to be picked up. I got into the hotel room and felt like a little kid again. Looking around the room in awe of how pretty it was. A big window looking out over the small plot of grass and little fountain, but it was still nice. the beds where made perfectly. Two queen sized beds. I walked into the bathroom and my jaw dropped. the vanity was about 20 m long! And had double sinks. I turned and saw a normal toilet, which didn't surprise me much, and a massive shower! It was a two person shower, which scared me a little of why Sally and Mark got it... but I dismissed the thought. I assumed by now Sally was on here way back to the hospital sense she gave me the key and waited tell I walked in to leave. I undressed myself and hopped into the shower. Rinsing off what had happened over the last couple days, or attempting to, I washed my hair, shaved what needed to be shaved, and turned up the heat once more the grasp that last bit of warmth before I got out. I shut off the water after a minute and grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself. Once I was all dried off I headed out of the bathroom to Sally's suitcase where she told me to get fresh cloths out of. I got dressed and brushed by hair and teeth. It felt so nice to be clean! I walked out of the bathroom when I heard Mark's cell phone, that Sally gave me, ringing. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was only Sally.

"Hello" I spoke into the phone once I picked it up.

"Hi Tala, umm Gavin's parents are here..."

"Oh that's great can you come and get me?!" I asked exited.

"Umm Tala you might just want to stay there for a couple of hours." she said sounding a bit shaken. What's going on? I want to see my boyfriend in a coma or not, and his sweet parents.

"Sally what's going on?" I ask/demand. The line goes silent.

"Sally!?" I said more stern.

"Ok I'm on my way I'll explain once I get there." And with that she hung up. Humm I wonder what that was about. Oh well I guess Ill find out... I just hope nothing bad happened to Gavin.

I sat on the bed until Sally got there. She opened the door slowly and looked at me with a sad smile.

"That outfit looks really good on you!" she said obviously trying to not have me ask her what's up.

"Sally?" I question. Sally shut the door and come running over to me hugging me. Ok she's really scaring me now!

"Sally what happened?" I asked frightened.

"It's Gavin's parents, turns out they aren't as forgiving and 'amazing' as you say." she says sadly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. They are the nicest people I've ever meet!

"I mean Gavin's moms not to happy with you right now. His dad is trying to calm her down right now but I'm afraid when she sees you she's just going to lose it." Sally explains. Wow I never thought of this, why wouldn't she hate me sense I've been in Gavin's life I've just got him hurt.


Hey guys :D I'm happy cuz I finished this the same day as my last update :) it won't be posted tell tomorrow when I'm at my school (ik school on a Sunday what?!) löl well I'm helping out with a walk thing there for a teacher at my school who her and her son have cancer... so I'll update tomorrow or I guess you'll be reading it today... 😯 löl

Comment, vote, fan! love all my reader 😘💖

By: Shannon 😝

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