Baby coming?

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Hey I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've forgot about it with everything that's going on... I promise ill update soon and not wait like another month... Well here's what your here for, start reading!!!


We walked back up to Gavin's room. The elevator ride was quite, it wasn't just one of those quite moments, no it was an awkward quite time. Went the elevator came to a stop Sally and I got off the elevator and walked to Gavin's room. But before I walked in Sally out her arm in front of me to stop me. I looked at her confused, and was about to ask what was up but then I heard Marks voice coming from Gavin's room.

"I know that you can't hear me right now, but what am I suppose to do? Sally wants kids and I do to, but I'm so afraid they won't like me. And it will rune (I think I spelled that right... But if not i mean reck löl) her carrier, I don't want to be the reason that her carrier ends." Mark sighed after he was done and didn't say anything alts. I looked at Sally, who had tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Sally it's ok." I whispered so Mark wouldn't hear us. Sally looked up at me then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom that just happened to be on our floor. Once we got in there she looked around to see if anyone was in there than locked the door be hide us.

"I'm happy to know that he wants kids, just I never thought of how it could end my carrier. And his. We barley get any time off now." She said tears starting to flow down her face.

"Sally I'm sure that once you guys have kids Marks coach and your director will let you have time off." I said trying to encourage her. She nodded slowly. "You and Mark just need to sit down and talk about it and you'll realize that you two are ready for this." I said with a smile.

"Your right. Ill talk to Mark when we get back to the room." She said then unlocked the door and we walked out. When we got back to the room we walked in and Mark was still sitting on the floor at the side of Gavin's bed.

"Mark can I talk to you." Sally's voice said shaky.

"Sure." He said then got up and they walked out of the room hand in hand. I sat down in a chair beside Gavin's bed and started to wonder how Sally and Marks talk where going...

Marks Pov.

Sally for some reason took me out of Gavin's room when her and Tala got back. I hope they didn't hear me talking about the baby. We walked to a little room that had food and drinks and a couple chairs. Sally sat down on the coach an I sat down beside her.

"Mark, we need to talk about having kids." She said looking at our connected hands. Shit she heard me!!!

"You umm heard what I said?" I said scratching my head with me other hand.

"Ya. And Im happy to know that you want kids but..." Sally started. I felt really bad because I know how much she wanted to have her own kids.

"Sally listen to me, no matter what happens ill be here for you, don't worry about your job. We make enough together that we could take care of 5 family's. Even if something happens to your job remember that your such a great actress you could get a new job no problem!" I said without thinking. Her eyes instantly flew up to mine and I could tell that I had said the right thing. I saw her start to lean in and I leaned the rest of the way. When we pulled away for each others lips we both smiled. We stood up and started to walk back to the room when a sudden question dawned on me.

"Do you have any names in mind, like if its a girl or boy?" I asked. I saw a smile start to grow on her face and I knew she did.

"If it's a girl Rachel, and you can pick a boys name." She smiled looking at me. Instantly I fell in love with the name Rachel.

"That a beautiful name. Umm I'm not to sure for a boy." I said puzzled.

"Well we have a while to decide." She smiled. We got to Gavin's bedroom and I saw Tala look back at Sally with that look of so? And I saw Sally give a little head nod out the corner of my eye. I let out a little giggle when I saw Talas face light up, but when her face turned to confusion I stopped laughing.


Hey, not to sure what alts to wright right now... Vote and comment!

By: Shannon :)

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