Chapter One

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    I get home from a terrible day at school. So what if I got into a couple fights with the teachers and some of the students. It doesn’t really matter, no one will really believe me if I tell them why I got into a fight. It was whether I did something that I didn’t do or that some people picked on me because I was doodling on a piece of paper like I normally do. Now the one thing that I would have to worry about was what my parents would say. They would probably give me a lecture about how I might go to jail one day if I get into fights when I was older or they could just blow it off and actually believe me for once which that probably wouldn’t happen. 

I usually ride the bus home but I decided to walk home because I knew I would get an ear full from my parents and I didn't want that just yet. 

  I walk in the house and my parents were waiting for me to get home. I tried to hurry to my room but as soon as I got upstairs I hear my father said with an angry tone, “Carly Marie Anderson get down here at once!” Now I get in trouble I thought. I set down my bag and I walk down stairs.

“Hi Dad.” I say as I’m walking down the stairs.

“Sit down on that couch. Now.” He told me.

“Ok. Ok.” I said as I sat on the sofa.

“Do you know why we’re so mad?” He asks me while my mom is sitting on the chair opposite of me.

“No, but I think I can guess.” I tell him.

“Ok why do you think you’re in trouble?”

“Because I get into fights at school and I keep getting bad grades.”

“Exactly you know what we’ve been saying to you.”

“We’ve whose we?” I raised my voice a little

“We are your mother and I.”

“You and mom, more like you because she just sits there and listens while you yell at me for the simplest thing.”

“I don’t yell at you for the simplest things. These things are very important.”

“Yeah, not really. I get the fighting but the bad grades that’s just nonsense. I mean it’s not like we really need to know every single little thing.” I stand up ready to run to my room because after that comment I knew I was going to get grounded.

“That’s it go to your room and for an extra punishment I’m taking away your electronics.” He said proud like he just found a cure for a rare disease.

“That’s fine by me I don’t need those things anyway.”

“And I’m also taking away your guitar.” He added to the list of things that he was taking away from me.

“WHAT!” I yelled “No! You can take my electronics, but not my guitar! That’s just unfair! I can’t survive my groundation without it!”

“Oh stop being so whinny it’s only for a week. You can survive.”

“This is so unfair!” I screamed

“It is fair because you disobeyed the rules. Now go to your room.”

“FINE! Just so you know you’ll never see me again!” I run up the stairs, into my room, and I jumped on my bed and cried until I fell asleep.

    I wake up. My eyes are pinkish white from when I was crying. I walk down stairs and look around for my parents. They seemed to be out shopping because the car was gone. I was home alone. Yesss. I thought. Finally some alone time, without having to get into trouble. I went into the kitchen to get something to eat and drink and I notice a strange looking door. “Uh. Never noticed that before.” I go over to the door and open it. When I do, I see a different scene than my backyard. It’s not even apart of my house unless it was a back door that leads into a different part of the world that I didn’t know about. I walk in and the door shuts when I walk in, but I didn’t care. I was to busy looking around to notice. I continued to walk forward until I came across and strange looking man.

“Hello sir.” I said

“Why hello there miss.” He said

“Would you mind telling me where I am?” I asked him ever so nicely

“Why you are in Corana.”

“Thank you and where exactly is it because I’ve never heard of it before.”

“You can’t find it on earth miss.”

“Why not?”

“Because it is not on Earth and now nether are you.”

“Oh and please don’t call me miss. I have a name you know. It’s Carly.”

“Ok Carly.” 
“And might I ask what your name is?”

“My name is Roger Devil. I am the ruler of this land.”

“Roger Devil,” I laughed, “what kind of name is that?”

“It’s the name I chose for myself years ago.”

“Wait you chose your own name. This place is very strange.”

“Yes this place is strange, that’s the way I made it, and that’s the way I like it.”

“Wait you made this land. That must have took magic. What are you a wizard?” I joked

“No, I’m much more that.”

“Ok. Than what are you?”

“I am the most powerful creature in the whole entire universe. Everyone fears me. I am the devil.”

“Wow the devil didn’t see that one coming.” I said sarcastically

“Don’t joke about it.” He said but in a different voice, an evil voice.

“Ok. Ok. Geez. Now how do I get out of this place?”

“Here take this.” He said as he handed me an object shaped like sphere.

“What’s this?” I asked him

“This is your way home. You see, you can’t go back the way you came.”

“What?!” I take off running to see if I could find the door again but I couldn’t. The devil appeared right next to me.

“What did I tell you, it’s gone?” He told me

“Ok, how am I gone to get home?” I ask as I was trying not to worry.

“Try figuring that out.” He pointed to the object in my hand. “It will help you get home.”


“You need to solve the puzzle. There is only one catch you’ll have three days to solve it. After the three days are up you stay here forever and become my slave.”

“What! Are you serious? I can’t live here for eternity!”

“I am serious, and yes, you will if you don’t solve that puzzle.”

“Well how do I solve it?”

“You’ll have to figure it out by yourself.” And with that he disappeared out of sight.

“Wait come back! This is so unfair!”


That girl in the picture is suppose to be Carly.

The Devils PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now