Chapter Seven

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We soon get up from where we were sitting and head back to camp. When we get there the camp had been attacked and it looked like a massacre happened without the dead bodies on the streets. 

"What the heck." I look over at Charles and he is just standing there in disbelief. "Charles what's going on?"

"I don't know." 

"What? You don't know?"

"No I have no clue what's going on."

"Well I'm not just going to sit here. I'm going to look for clues."

"Ok. We should split up and look for clues."



"Nothing." I go off toward the tents to look for things that look out of the ordinary. I look back and see Charles sprinting in the oppisite dierction I was. I sprinted after him. I wasn't sure what he was up to but I knew it was no good. 

He stopped near the fire pit where we had cooked our food. I found a hiding place under a burnt piece of large fabric. A figure came out of the shadows I couldn't see the person's face, but I felt like I knew who it was. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I did hear my name and I stay there trying to make out what they were saying but I couldn't catch the rest of the the conversation. 

After the shadow figure had left Charles had started walking the opposite direction I was in. After I could see he was gone I got up and headed in the direction I was suppose to. 

It felt like an hour before I hear a gun shot in the distance. I sprinted to find where it came from. I was afraid that Charles found someone and that person shot him. In my mind I'm thinking: Please don't be dead, please don't be dead. I hear another gunshot and I sprint my heart out. I hear some more gunshot and I am freaking out wondering what the heck was going on. 

I get to the spot where I think I hear the gunshots and I see Charles with his gun out and pointing it at a hollow log. "What the heck is going on?" I yelled I was actually pretty mad. I really thought that he was in trouble.

"Look in the log." He tells me. So I look in and all I see is a little baby fox. 

"Really Charles, your afraid of a fox."

"That is no fox." He replied. He had a lok of disgust. 

I laughed and then looked in the log. "Come here little fox. I won't hurt you. It's alright." At first the fox just looked at me scared and then it walked slowly out of the log. It stared at me with it's cute fox eyes. I bend down to pick it up and it said "Hello." I jumped up in suprise

"Wow. Hi i guess." 

"My name is Ruby. What's your?"

"Carly and that's Charles." I pointed to Charles who still had his gun out, but it was pointed to the ground.

"Nice to meet you."

"You to. I guess." 

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I've never had a conversation with a fox before so." 

"Oh, your the girl from the other world."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I saw you come in to Corona." 


"Yeah, sorry I didn't say anything I was afraid."

"That's ok. I probably would have been freaked because of the whole talking fox thing. No offense." 

"No offense taken."

"Ok. So Charles and I probably have to go soon so."

"Oh wait can I come with you oh pretty please. I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Ok I guess. You came come with us."

"Yes." I pick up Ruby and go over to Charles.

"You coming or what?" He walked next to me as we were going. 

"Why were you talking to that fox."

"She has a name you know."

"Ok. What is it?"

"Didn't you hear her?" 

"No." After that we just walked in silence. Weird why hadn't Charles heard Ruby. This trip is getting stranger and stranger. We walked for a while before we came to a clearing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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