Chapter Five

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   When I got on the deck Charles men were running to make sure everything was in order. There were a few men running and screaming. I looked around for Charles. I saw him screaming orders to the men. I went down to see if I could figure out what was going on. “Charles,” I scream halfway to him. He came over to me and I ask “Charles, what’s going on?”

“We’re being attacked.” He said with a worried look in his eyes. 

“By what?” I asked

“I don’t know yet. But I think it’s one the monster of the deep.”

“Monsters of the deep?”

“Yes, they are monsters who appear out of nowhere and attack ships.” 

“Ok, but what monster is it.”

“We’re not sure yet.” He says, after he said that the boat shook. I was nearly knocked to the ground, but Charles saved me from falling and he told me to hang on to something while the men tried to figure out the problem. I stayed there until something shot out of the water like a rocket and grabbed ahold of my leg. The thing that grabbed my leg was a tentacle. The tentacle brought me up high above the deck and it brought me in the water. But before I went in the water I heard Charles scream my name and that’s the last thing I remember.

    I come back to my senses like a hour later it felt like. I wake up and everybody is starring at me. Charles was right next to me and he asked me, “Are you ok?” 

“Yup,” I said getting up “Just great.”

“Are you sure you hit the water pretty hard.”

“Yeah I’m fine. Now I just have a little headache. What was that thing?” I ask while my hand is on my head.

“That thing that drove you under was a kraken.”

“A kraken?” 

“A kraken is a mythical squid that can grab onto boats and bring them down under the sea.”

“Well that’s good to know.”

“Yeah it probably would have been better to know in your lessons. Tomorrow we will be heading to land so we can finish up solving the puzzle.”

“Ok. Now can I get back to bed after I change out of these wet clothes.”

“Go right ahead. You deserve some sleep.” 

    I walked into my room and I found a pair of clean clothes on my bed. I put them on and dived into bed. I had a strange dream that night. I dreamt I was in some sore of creepy stone castle throne room. There was a man sitting on the throne watching some sort of mirror that had a different image than his reflection. The picture was me sleeping in the clothes that I changed into. The man seemed to be bored out of his mind until there was a knock at the huge, old, wooden door. “Come in.” he said with a bored tone. The door opened and there were there strange, old ladies walking in.

“Hello Mr. Devil.” One of them said. “Why have you summoned us?”

“I summoned you because of this girl.” He pointed to the mirror that had my image on it.

“What about this silly little girl?”

“There is something weird about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.” 

“I have a thought, a weird one but a thought. What if she is the girl from the prophecy.”

“You could be right Willow.”

“Um my name is Zelda.”“Oh yeah, right, right.”

“What are you going to do?” The smallest one asked

“Siobhan what do you think he’s going to do.” Willow said 

“He going to have us use our magic to make her day tomorrow the most distressed day she has ever had in her life.” Zelda said 

“That’s a great idea Zelda.” The devil got out of his chair and walked over to the witches. “It’s perfect, you can use your magic so she can’t solve the puzzle. And even if she tried to solve it she couldn’t. It’s the hardest puzzle in the entire space time continuum.” All of a sudden two people came out of no where. “Ah Kaixin and Htoo welcome back. Was your mission successful?”

“Yes master everyone on the ship was freaked when the kraken attacked.”

“Perfect.” He said with an evil smile.

“It did bring her under, the men saved her as planned.”

“Good. I will talk to him tomorrow about what is going on.”

“Yes master. Htoo and I will watch closely.”

“Yes and see if he is following orders. He will put a stop to her figuring out the puzzle.”

“Yes master.”  Kaixin and Htoo bowed and left the room. The devil talked to the witches next. “Make sure you make things to stop her from solving it.”

“Yes master.” The witches went into a corner and planned what to do next. Everything went black after that and I bolted upright in the bed. I sat there think what that was. Was that a dream or a vision? I had no clue. I looked out the window and The sun was starting to come up. I got out of bed and walked over to the window. I sat down next to it. I loved to sit and watch the sun come up. It’s the most prettiest thing ever. There were so many colors. There was pink, purple, blue, orange and yellow. I could sit there for hours to watch it but it would go away sometime. 

    I got up from watching the sunrise to get the puzzle. I study it and felt it. It felt smooth with little indents in it. I pressed something and it changed. The writing on it changed so I could read it. I read a little bit of it but the words were all jumbled up. The words went have can hurry now puzzle solve must before you nightfall there were other words to but I could read it any longer. I set the puzzle down on the bed and I got dressed. 

    I went out onto the deck and watched the view of the ocean and the piece of land we were heading to. I stayed there for a little bit until Charles came and leaned on the railing with me. “Nice view isn’t it.” he said

“Yup it is.” I told him still staring at the view.

“Never been out to sea before?” He asked I knew he was starring at me but I didn’t care.

“What was your first guess?” I looked toward him.

“You keep starring at the view so I kind-of figured that.”

“Well I been on a ship but it was docked at one of the theme parks on earth, and I rode a faire but that didn’t count because we were going to Disney world.” We both started laughing. We talked till we got to shore. 


The picture on the side is kind-of what the throne room look like for the Devil.

The Devils PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now