Chapter Six

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When we got off the ship all I saw was jungle. Then Charles told us to walk in the jungle until we came across a village. The village was tiny and was fenced in. The fence was about six feet tall. I climbed over it with Charles while the rest of the men took the easy way. Charles got down before I did and told me to jump from where I was which was near the top. I jumped and he caught me. He set me on the ground and said, “Now wasn’t that fun?” 

“Yeah a little bit.” We both laughed and walked into the village. The shops and houses were small, and there were no people in sight anywhere. I was wondering where everyone was, but I didn’t ask. 

    We walked through the village until we seen a little hut no bigger than one of those toy house little kids play in. Charles went to the small door and opened it. “Stay right here. I’ll be back.” He said and he went in. I sat on the ground. I could hear him talking to someone but I could tell what they were saying. 

    I was almost asleep when Charles came back out. He had a worried look in his eyes but it went away after he saw me. I tried not to blush but it was kind-of hard not to. I got up and I asked, “Where we off to now?” 

“The west side of the island. I think that’s where you will find the answer to that puzzle.” He said. We started to walk to the west side of the island. I didn’t know what was going to happen but what I do know is that there was something dangerous on that side, but I didn’t know what. 

    We walked for hours until we reached the west side of the island. The west side was dark and gloomy. It had blackish-brown dead trees. The was no plant life what so ever on the west side. There was and stone castle on a mountain. The castle looked like no one had been there in years. Also the castle had an evil look to it. 

    We walked towards the castle. I was a little curious about what was in the castle but at the same time I didn’t want to know. We stayed on a path and because if we went off we would fall off and die because of the pointed rock near the bottom. 

    We got near the castle and I got a chill up my spine. I don’t know what it is but I have a strange feeling about this place. There are voices in my head telling me to turn around and run. I just kept walking forward like the rest of the group. 

    We got to the castle and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I didn’t know what happened but all of a sudden I sat down my head throbbing, my hands hurting, all I could feel was pain.

“Carly are you alright?” Charles asked. I couldn’t say a thing. I was to much in pain, I couldn’t even talk. 

“We have to get her out of here for right now until she gets her strength.” Charles told his men. I stood up to se if I could walk but I just fell and Charles caught after that I couldn’t remember a thing.

    I wake up and the first thing I see is a light brown cloth above me. I sit up and I realize I’m in a tent. I go outside and Charles’ men were working on something. I couldn’t quite see because Charles walked right in front of me and said “Hello. How are you feeling?” 

“I’m feeling fine.” I say that while Charles leads me away from the group of men huddled up. He brings me to a fire and I realized that someone was cooking something. I was starving. Charles hands me a plate and I start eating. Charles stares at me in wonder. “What?” I ask him. He just laughs and says “Nothing.”

“Well it’s not nothing. What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing I’m just thinking.” He tells me.

“Okay. What are you thinking?” Charles looks at me and rolls his eyes. 

“It’s nothing.”

“Tell me or I won’t stop bugging you.”

“Oh alright.” He gets up and walks a little bit and gestures me to follow. I get up and follow him to a little clearing in the fog. The walk was long and quiet, but when we got there I stopped and he continued to walk to the center of the clearing.

“You really want to know what I’m thinking?”

“Well yeah. You seem kind-of bummed about it.”

“Well my thinking is strange and weird.”

“Isn’t everyones?” He laughs and says “Well I not suppose to say anything about this.”


“Because if I’m right you could be in serious danger.” 

I come closer to him. I don’t know what I’m doing but I feel it’s the right thing. “If you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to. I’m sorry for me being nosy.” 

“You weren’t being nosy. It was my fault for bringing it up.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“It is, I want to tell you something but I don’t know how to say it.”

“I don’t care how you put it I just want to know what your thinking.” 

“Okay. I’m sorry if this comes out wrong.”

“That’s okay I don’t care how you put it.”

“This land has a prophecy. It’s good and evil. It says that a girl will come to the land in wonder. She will go through many different obstacles to find what she’s looking for. There is one catch to this prophecy though. The girl can be good or go to the evil side. I can’t remember how it goes, but it goes something like that. I think.”

“Oh and you think I’m the girl.” I said 

“I never said that but yeah. I do think your the girl in the prophecy and I think he know it to.”


“The lord of this land.”

“Oh. Yeah he doesn’t seem to nice.” Charles laughed, then looks to the ground.

We sat there in silence for awhile.

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