Chapter Three

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   I felt like hours before we hit a clearing. I got off of his shoulders and I could see water. “Where are we?” I looked at him puzzled.

“We are, if I’m correct, at the magic seas.”

“The magic seas?”

“Yes. They’re said to be the most dangerous waters in the whole universe.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because of the sea monsters and the pirate but they’re not as dangerous as the sea monsters but they’re still dangerous.” As he said that a ship appeared. The ship looked kind-of old but it a little bit new. It pulled up and men came off the ship. They were wearing rags and bandanas. Then I realized why. “They’re pirates.” I whispered to myself. I was scared but at the same time I was full of wonder. I never have seen pirates before in my life. I started to climb down the rocks before Metal Man could stop me. 

    I get all the way down to watch the pirates. They were loading something off the ship. I tried to get closer but I accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped. The pirates heard and saw me while I tried to run away. The pirates were fast before I got back to Metal Man they had caught me. “Let me go!” I yelled. I saw Metal Man he was trying to make his way down to me, but the pirates got me on the ship before he could get to me.  I kicked, I screamed, and I tried to bit them, but nothing worked.

“Let me go!” I screamed again.

“Now why would we do that?” A voice said from the top of the ship. The pirates let me go as a pirate swings down from the top of the ship. 

“And who are you suppose to be?”

“I am the captain of this ship. Captain Charles Vane and who are you?”

“My name is Carly and why did your pirates drag me on this stupid ship?”

“Let’s get one thing straight missy this isn’t a stupid ship. It’s the best sailing ship on the magical seas.”

“More like the only ship.” I whisper to myself.

“And there’s another thing.”


“You need to learn some manners in order to survive.”

“Oh big whoop. I do have manner, I just have a wicked bad attitude.”

“That’s going to get you into trouble.” 

“It has before, and that’s nothing new.” 

“I wonder,” Charles turns to one of his men. “do we have any jobs for the little lassie?” The man nodded his head. “Well there you have it. We going to straighten that attitude up. Now get a mop and start scrubbing.”

“One problem Captain Full of Yourself. I don’t know were it is. I’ve never been on this ship I don’t know my way around. Duh.” 

“Alright then, Scar get the little lass a mop.” Scar threw me a mop and a bucket. I started to scrub.

    I scrub hard for about thirty minute. My arms were so tired. I went to sit down but Captain Full of Himself walked up to and said “You missed a spot. Clean it up now.”

“Fine.” I got up and clean the spot while he stood there. He yelled out a couple of demands. 

“All hands on deck. We departure soon.”

“Wait we’re leaving?” I asked

“Why yes.”

“We can leave yet my friend is probably looking for me. I’ve got to go see if he’s alright.”

“If we see your little friend he can come aboard.”

“Ok. Just so you know he right over there.” I point to the hill. Metal Man was standing there waiting. 

“The robot?” Charles asked surprised 

“Yup. That’s him and you said he could come on the boat. So I’m going to get him.”

“Fine. Get him and bring him back.” I get off the ship and run to Metal Man. 

“Hi Metal Man. I got us a ride across the magical seas.” I said pointing at Captain Charles ship.

“The pirate ship?” He asks

“Yeah I talk to the pirate captain and he said you could come aboard.” I tell him “So come on.” We walked back to the pirate ship. As soon as we got on I said “Well here’s my friend let’s go.”

“Fine lassie.” Charles said “All hands on deck. We leave immediately.” The pirate ship left and we were sailing into the unknown.

    It had been hours since we seen land. The day was almost done, after today I would only have two days left. I sat on the deck and I watched the water. It looked really cool at night it was sparkling in the moonlight brighter than it would have ever been on Earth. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn’t move I was to busy thinking about Earth,  my friends that I did have, my parents, and the fight we had before I came here. Now I felt so bad about it. I might never see them again. If I died here that might be the last memory I have of them. I thought. I heard more footstep but I still didn’t move. “The sea  is beautiful in the moonlight isn’t it.” Captain Charles said

“Yeah,” He sits down next to me. I star at the sea.

“Is there something the matter Carly?” He says looking at me.

“It’s nothing.” I tell him

“You can tell me I won’t say anything to anybody.”

“It’s just that I’m thinking of Earth, my friends that I did have, my parents and the fight I had with them. It was a terrible fight. I’m now starting to regret it.”

“Oh.” He say while I take out the puzzle.

“The Devil gave me this to solve,” I show him the puzzle “and I have no clue how.”

“Can I see?” I give him the puzzle. He looks at it in wonder for a few minutes, and then gave it back to me. “That’s very tricky.”


“Have you had dinner yet?”


“Do you want something to eat?”

“Sure.” We both got up to get something to eat. After we  got something to eat Charles showed me to my room. I fell on my bed and immediately fell asleep.    

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