Chapter Two

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 I walked into the woods not know what was in there. It seemed like I was walking for hours until I found a strange clearing. In the middle of the there was a weird object. The object was metal, it looked like it had been there for year because some parts of it were rusted and had plants growing on them. “Wow. This thing has to be at least one hundred years old. I wonder if it might still work.” I kicked the machine. “It probably doesn’t work since it has things growing in it.” I sat down and looked at the puzzle the devil gave me. It had this weird writing on it. I couldn’t understand it. “What kind-of writing is this?” I walk around the forest opening thinking. I only have three days. How am I going to figure this out? It’s completely hopeless. I thought. “Why do I do stupid things?” I yelled then I kicked the machine really hard. “Ouch!” I said and then I went to sit down and I cried. I cried until a voice said, “Why are you crying?”

“Uh. Who said that?” I ask rubbing the tears off my face. 

“Over here.” The voice said. The voice came over from where the object was.

“Ok,” I go over to the machine. “Where are you?” 

“You are standing right in front of me.”

“What I’m standing in front of nothing except for a machine-Wait a minute,” I turn to the machine.

“Are you the talking to me?”


“How are you talking to me? You look out of commission.”

“I am not sure but I can but you seemed to understand me when everyone else seems to pass.”

“Wait no one else can understand you?” 

“Yes, and I don’t know why.”

“Strange,” I whispered to myself “just like everything around here.” 

“Could you help me with something?” 

“Sure, what?” 

“Could you help me get this dumb plants off me?”

“Sure.” I climbed up on the robot’s back and started ripping the plants off of him. 

    When I was done I was done I climbed off his back, faced him and said “Well that’s done now how do we get you moving out off this area?” 

“I don’t know about that.”

“Maybe we need some sort of power supplies like batteries or lighting bolts because they had electricity.”

“We get lighting storm one a week because of our ruler. When he gets angry run because he will take out all of his angry if you do something really bad.”

“Ok, so beware of that I will do. Hopefully I will never see him again.”

“See who again?”

“The devil, he gave me this. It’s a puzzle and I don’t know how to solve it. If I can’t solve it in three days I stay here forever.”

“The devil is the most evilest person in the world.”

“I kind of figured that out already. Now lets figure out how to get you out of the ground. Now let me see.” I looked around for something to power the robot up. I looked until I found it. I found a battery. The battery was big; it looked like it had enough power to start up the robot. This place is strange I wonder how it got there. I thought. “Hey I found something.” I yelled over to the robot. I tried to pick it up but I had a little trouble, I ended up rolling it on the ground over to the robot. “I think this will help but I am not sure, but there’s only one way to find out.” I climb onto the robot’s back and I found where the batteries were suppose to go but I stumbled into another problem: it needed to be unscrewed. “Uh. Dang it.” I got off the robot’s back and walked around to see if a screwdriver would appear out of nowhere just like the battery did. 

    I walked in circles looking for a bout thirty minutes until I found one. I was mad that it took me that long. The screwdriver looked like it had been there for month’s maybe even years. It had a wooden handle, and the top was rusted but it could still work, maybe. 

    I climbed back on the robot’s back and unscrewed the bolts and put the battery in. The robot got off of the ground and walked forward a little, while I was dangling trying hard to not fall off and break a bone or die. “Excuse me,” I say to it “can I get off now. I don’t want to fall off.” The robot reached his hand behind him and he held it flat so I could stand on it. I get on his hand and I sit down. I was a little bit dizzy. He gently put me on the ground. 

“Are you ok?” He asks me

“Yeah I’m fine, just a little dizzy.”

“Ok. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you before but what is your name?”

“My name is Carly, and what’s your name?”

“I don’t really have a name.”

“What? You don’t have a name.”


“Ok then I’ll call you Metal Man. Sorry I can't create a better name. I suck at it”

“I don't care. Metal Man is fine by me”

“Do you know how to get out of here, ‘cause this place is creeping me out?”

“Yes just climb on.” Metal Man stretched out his hand. I got on and he put me on his shoulders. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah.” He started to walk forward.

The Devils PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now