Chapter Four

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    I wake up the next morning and I realized that I only had two days to figure out the puzzle. I hadn’t even started to try and figure it out. I got it out and looked at it. I hadn’t really looked at it since I got it yesterday. 

  The sphere was bronze. It had a bunch of writing which used pictures. “How am I going to figure this out?” I whispered to myself. I get out of bed and get some breakfast. 

    I get to the place where we were suppose to have breakfast but I got there late and the only person who was there was Charles. He was sitting there with his breakfast in front of him. He looked like he was waiting for me. I sat down and said in a sleepy voice “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” He said in a cheerful voice. That kind-of scared me. I mean when I first met him he was so stuck up, rude, and looked like he only cared about himself. But last night he was so sweet. I wondered if he wasn’t the person everyone thought. I had heard people say somethings about him like he only cared about himself and he was the cruelest person in the entire world. But when I seen him, he was very nice and sweet. “How did you sleep last night?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“Good, and how did you sleep?”

“I slept well thank you very much.” I sat down and starred at my food while I ate. We said nothing while I ate. 

    When I was finished I got up and headed toward the door but before I opened the door Charles said “Carly, I want to talk to you about the puzzle.”

“What about the puzzle?” I turned to him “I trying to figure it out but I don’t know how. This land is strange and I don’t know what to do.” He put his feet on the table and took out his knife and looked at. 

“Well there is only one way to figure out this land.” He said

“And that is?” I ask him 

“It’s to learn about it. The land can be formed to what you want, all you have to do is learn.” 

“Okay. So if I want to solve the puzzle all I have to do is learn about the land.”


“You do know I’ll need a teacher right.”

“Yeah I know that.” He stood up and walked to me. He leaned close to me and said “I’ll teach you everything I know. No questions asked about how I’m teaching, you got that.”

“Fine Captain.” I smiled and he walked onto the deck, I followed him out the door. But I stopped outside of the door and I leaned on the wooden railing. He noticed I wasn’t following him anymore, he pointed at me and than motioned me to come onto the deck. I walked into the middle of the deck and he said, “Now before I teach you anything you have to know my rules.”

“Didn’t we go over them in the mess hall.” I say with a smile

“We only went over some of them. Listen that’s the number one rule because I won’t  say anything twice. Second rule don’t talk back, now I know you have a hard time with that but I think we can come to an agree on that. The third rule is you can’t steal, break, etc. if I find one thing out of place and if you put that thing out of place there will be consequences. You got that.”

“Yeah I got it.” I said

“Now let’s get to work.”

“Fine by me.” I said.

    When Charles was teaching me, he was trying to teach me everything he knew in one day. He taught me how to fight, and how the land worked, and all of that stuff. When the lesson was done it was almost dark. I got dinner and I fell into bed. I was almost asleep until the boat shook furiously. I fell out of bed, got to my feet, and I ran up onto the deck. 

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