After making the plan, we set foot outside our rooms and down to the main office to check out.
"Excuse me, we'd like to check out." Lily said, sweetly.
"Uhmm... According to these documents, you're not supposed to leave until next week. Sorry, kids." The woman said.
"Uh, excuse you?" Lily sassed back.
"Hm?" The woman said, looking sick of Lily already.
"We'd. Like. To. Check. Out." Lily said.
"Excuse me, I don't know who you think you are but-"
"No. Excuse you. I am a valuabe customer and I said I would like to check out. Is this how you treat your other customers? Is it because I'm not an adult? Well excuse me for not being older. No matter what the age, I think everyone should stick up for themselves and others. Which is exactly what I am doing. Now, would you like me to call the manager over and have him explain this?" Lily snapped.
"The door is that way. Let yourselves out." The woman said, almost looking scared.
"Um, I'm sorry what was that?" Lily asked.
"And have a nice day."
"Thank you." Lily said, grinning cheek to cheek.
"And that, ladies and gentleman, is why I am this group's trickster." Lily giggled.
You may be wondering, what's a trickster? Well, it's what we call Lily because she's so good at lying and making excuses. Don't forget being sarcastic.
"Anyways...w-we should go start the p-plan..." Jay stuttered. Even after everything we've been through, he's still so shy around us.
"He's so cute. Urghhh!" Lily squealed.
I still ship it.