Day 3

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They say that first impressions last, if you met someone for the first time it’s important to make a good impression since it wil most likely leave a permanent mark to the person. Maybe that’s the reason why Jade didn’t stop hating me, her eyes were always ablaze and burning with anger. I can't recall the times where I did anything wrong that could upset her, well at least not directly, but her eyes tells me otherwise when she saw me rubbing off her boyfriend’s shirt.

I’m not upset at her for being mad at me for a silly accident. I’m upset with myself because I could have made a better impression. If I wasn’t clumsy, Jade and I could have been friends, if only she wasn’t driven with jealousy, we would have met in a different circumstances.

The crowd was beginning to disperse and I realized that I was standing here alone. Andre went out with the girl who approached us a seconds ago, and I could see Robbie and Rex singing on the stage as Cat watches them from afar. It was the same spot where Beck and Jade sat a while ago. Speaking of the couple, I haven’t seen them anywhere.

Perhaps they're making out?

Okay I don’t even want to go there. The thought of them making out, actually broke my heart a little.

I could care less, if I was Jade, but I’m Tori Vega, and I care about almost everything especially if it involves Jade.


I was walking towards my locker with a pile of books in my hands. I could barely take a hold of them and I can’t hardly see where I was going. Trina left me alone to carry our books at once since she was too busy applying makeup to herself.

I remotely had a great morning today (please note the sarcasm) I fell down in the parking lot on our way to school because Trina kept pushing me aside complaining that she needs a lot of space for herself and instead of helping me up on my feet like a normal caring sister would, she started laughing at my face, saying that it’s my fault for being such a klutz. I groaned, I wish I was adopted.

"Need some help?"

A familiar raspy voice caught my attention, as well as the heavy steps coming from her combat boots, she was slowly approaching me as I angled my head to see if my suspicions are correct. I was right it was Jade. I felt happy for a moment.

“Yes" I choked out in relief. She raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrows with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Interesting" she smirked as she walk past me, leaving me helplessly standing at the center of the lobby. I guess she hasn’t warmed up to me after all even if we had a decent conversation a few days ago, maybe that’s what she meant when she said that we’re not friends.

Thankfully Robbie and Andre came to my aid when I was about to give up and drop everything in my hands. They even helped me organize my books inside my boring locker and separate the ones from Trina.

"You should decorate your locker you know" Andre suggested. I slammed my locker shut as I turn to face him.

"Yeah. I hate the fact that it looks so boring" I said in a whiny tone.

“Why don't you decorate it then?" Robbie asked while taking the gum off of Rex's forehead from dropping him earlier on the floor.

I sigh, "I don't know what to do with it yet" they both gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Don't worry you're still new here anyway. It's not like we're rushing you or anything" Andre said comfortingly.

“Thanks" I gave them both a pat on the shoulders for helping me.

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