Day 2

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Jade was clearly something, I'll give you that. She was downright scary, threatening and dangerous— along with her mean streak and vicious aura. I admit that kissing her boyfriend in front of her (even though it was just a stage kiss) and beating her at her own game is not the best way to get on her good side.

It was an impulse though.

I went to school today with a newly found confidence and although I'm still conflicted with the choice I made, I sucked it up and went to Sikowitz's class. I sigh in relief when I saw everyone's faces. Some of them were sporting a curious look, some of them looked happy, others have a look of mischief written on their faces (which I clearly don't understand) and my friends were beaming in pride. Andre was supportive, Cat was giggling, Robbie and Rex smiled at each other while Beck, well he was trying to gauge his girlfriend's reaction.

Sikowitz's gave me the head start this time so when I went on the stage, I picked up the ones whom I already met yesterday especially Jade.

It happened so fast.

One minute I was acting while focusing on the improv. I was determined not to lose for sure and it seems like luck was on my side today because Jade lost and I am victorious. The look on her face screams death and I shuddered at the thought of her harming me.

After my insane impulse of stage kissing Beck, the bell rang five minutes ago and I'm reluctant to go to lunch. I've been avoiding a certain raven haired girl. I could feel her burning gaze at the back of my head every time we're near each other and I just hope that I could survive this day without running into her.


"Are you ready chica?"

"Just a sec" I told Andre as I slam the door shut.

Trina blackmailed me a while ago with her karate kicks if I don't stay in the house. She doesn't want me to go out and hang out with Andre (talk about being a mom) since she's going shopping with her friends, and someone needs to stay and watch the house (aka me) because the door locks are broken. It's her fault for kicking it.

"I can't go out yet" I said.

"What why?" Andre asked as I step back to let him in.

"I still have to argue with Trina" I groaned.

"Argue about what?"

"About leaving the house" I sigh, "She doesn't want me to leave" I scoffed.

"Just come with me I'll help you ditch her" Andre shrugged.

"But I-"

"Nuh uh I ain't taking no for an answer, we're hanging out with the others and that's final" he said as he lead us out of the door.

"Wait where are we going anyway?" I fastened my seatbelt.

"We're going to zezarios, you probably haven't heard of it but it's a nacho place and everyone's meeting us there" He explained.

By everyone, does he mean, "What about Jade? Is she there?" I questioned.

Apparently, I managed to avoid her for the rest of the day and if I go with the others knowing that she'll be there. We will definitely cause a scene.

He shrugged as he drives out of our yard. "No she's not going with us but Beck is going to be there"

"I'm okay with Beck, he's always been nice but Jade-"

"Jade is fine, you just have to get to know her better. She just like to mess with you because she knows that you're scared of her" He chuckled while keeping his eyes on the road. I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm pretty sure that's not the only reason why she's hot on my trail. I think it's because I kissed her boyfriend"

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