Chapter 7. Time Skip.

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I walked with Bandit, my new "friend". Ugh. I can't believe she friendzoned me like that. She was walking in front of me, pissed off that I called her sweetheart. I grinned to myself. That was her new nickname then.

I watched her, memorising the way she walked, the way her hair blew around in the wind. I smiled again. I didn't care that she didn't want me to be her boyfriend. I was going to be it eventually.

I didn't care that she had given up on us. I was never giving up on our relationship.



My knee bounced up and down from being nervous. I stared into the distance, my heart beating fast. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't....

"Bandit are you okay?"

I looked next to me. My best friend Gerard was staring back at me, worry in his eyes. I sighed.

"No," I replied.

"Bandit, stop worrying. It's just college."

I looked back in front of me. "I know," I replied. "But it's still a big thing, you know. If I get accepted, it will be a huge thing for me, see?"

He paused. "Yeah but if you get accepted, you'll have to leave me. And I don't want you to do that."

"I know that, Gerard, but I'll come back. It's not college forever."

"Still, if you don't get accepted, you'll be with me, and we can find our way in this ugly world together."

I thought for a moment. "It's not that ugly."

"Yes it is."

"I used to think that too, but now I realise that it's more beautiful than I thought."

"Well I haven't realised that yet. And I don't want you alone, away from me. And to be honest, I don't want to be alone either."

"Gerard, this is huge. If I get in, I'll pretty much get any job I want."

"I know. I know."

There was a moment of silence. There wasn't anyone else in our bit of the park at the moment, just the way I liked it. We called it our bit because it was the most beautiful bit of the whole park, especially in Autumn. It was Autumn now. The leaves were orange and falling off the trees, the grass was actually perfect. Me and Gerard actually had our own personal tree. It was the biggest tree in the park apparently, and it was all ours. That was because we had carved B+G in it with one of Gerards dads knives when we were 15, so technically we claimed it.

Whenever either of us were upset, or angry, or just wanted to meet up, we would always come to this tree. It was our spot. Just ours.

"Who do you think you'll meet there?" said Gerard, interrupting my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, do you think you'll fall in love there?"

I laughed. "Probably not. I don't know. Why?"

"Just wondering..." he didn't smile back. I thought about what he just said. Why did he ask that?

"Do you love me?"



"Like, as a friend, obviously..." he added quickly. "But, like, do you love me as a friend?"

"Well, yeah, course I do..." Why did he ask that as well?

"Gerard, w-"

"Are you a virgin?"

This took me by surprise completely. "What?"

"I said, are you a virgin?"

"Well, no," I said to him. "I've already told you that. I hooked up with Frank Iero at that party remember? And then that Vic Fuentes dude..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot..." he said, nervously. "I-I like Frank, he's cool..."

I considered all this for a moment. "Well, are you?"

"Am I what?"

"A virgin."

"No...course not."

"Well, who is she?"


"Gerard, the girl you had sex with.."

"Oh yeah. Um, I don't wanna talk about it."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to tell you."


"Because it's none of your business!" he snapped. I jumped. Jesus Christ...

"Ok, fine, sorry!" I snapped back. His face softened, and looked away, embarrassed.

I felt angry. "Gerard what the hell is the matter with you today?"

He looked back at me, tears in his eyes. "I don't want you to leave..." he whispered, and all the anger washed out of me completely. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my head under his chin. He wrapped his arms around me and held my hand. We stayed still for about 10 minutes, just enjoying each other's company. I was so comfortable I didn't want to move. Then I heard him speak.

"How were they?"

"What? Who?"

"Like, the guys. In bed. Frank and Vic."

"Oh. They were good. Frank was the best. I gave him a blowjob beforehand too."



"How did he taste?"

I paused. "He tasted good."

"Better than me?"

I laughed and pushed him away from me. "Soooo much better than you Gerard!" I giggled, even though I was lying completely. He laughed and pushed me back. We got into a pushing match until I pushed him onto the floor and we it turned into a wrestling match. I pinned him down on the grass. He tried to get up but I had him firmly pinned. We both laughed, and then looked into each other's eyes. I suddenly realised how romantic this must look. Before I could say anything, he put his hands on the back of my head, pulled me forward and kissed me.


Gerard and Bandit are now 17 by the way.

The other My Chemical Romance members will be included later on.

That's all I have to say. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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