We laid in bed silent and it wasn't awkward or weird at all. We were just comfortable laying there with each other.
Gerald breaks the silence by saying "let's get out. Let's go somewhere exotic. Somewhere beautiful."
"What did you have in mind?" I asked.
"Let's go to a private beach for a few days. We'll rent a beach house and no one will even have to know just you and me." He says
"That sounds amazing." I say.
"Then let's do it pack our stuff and just leave." He says.
"But." As soon as I started talking Gerald cut me off and said "Please don't say it Dev."
"I'm sorry but i'm eventually going to have to tell Steven." I say.
"Alright alright let's not talk about that right now." He says.
"Okay" I say with a smile on my face.----------------------------------------------
*Next Day*
I go to Stevens office to ask him to have lunch with me and to talk about us.
I walk into the office and see that his assistant Maya wasn't there but she had a note put her desk that said Lunch Break so I decided to just walk in Stevens office. I knocked on the door wall opening at the same time "knock knock." I said with a smile. But That smile quickly turned into a frown as soon as I saw Steven humping his assistant. I gasped and his face looked shocked.
"So all this time you said you had to work late, this is what you were really doing?!" I yell at him while tears filled my eyes.
"Baby no! It was just this." He said but I cut him off.
"Save it! but whatever I came here to tell you it's over anyways! Gerald and I are together now and I wanted to apologize to you but forget it! I see that you were doing the same exact thing but with somebody this probably just after your money." I slammed the door on my way out and quickly made it into the car and drove off.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but it's because school started and I was busy with that but I'm back now :). I can't wait for you guys to see where Devon and Gerald decide to go and what they do and what they see I bet it would be would be fun to read :D haha.
Well thanks for reading! And I hope you lovelies have a great day!
Please don't forget to *vote\ comment
Bye! :)

What you do to me (A g-eazy Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"After we reach the surface of the pool we both looked at each other in a deep way and he came closer, leaned in and kissed me. I didn't even try to think My lips automatically kissed him back. I've never kissed lips that were so soft. He put his ha...