I woke up but Gerald wasn't by my side. I smelled pancakes and bacon he must have been making breakfast. I got up and used the bathroom. After I got out I went to see Gerald in the kitchen. He was only in his underwear which I didn't mind at all.
"Good morning beautiful!"
"Good morning handsome."
"I make us breakfast." Gerald said.
"Thank you babe!" I said while stretching. He leaned over and gave a a soft kiss.
"Today I want us to go to your apartment and get your things." He said.
"Okay, after breakfast I'll take a shower get ready and we could go." I say.
"Sounds great." He said with a smile.
"You seem extra happy today what's up?" I ask.
"I'm happy that you're gonna move in I love you." He said with a smile.
"I love you too Gerald and I'm also happy to move in, this is a start to something great." I said.
We both finished our breakfast. While he insisted on doing the dishes I went and took a shower. After that I did my hair, makeup and put on an outfit. Gerald was done by the time was done. He grabbed the keys and my hand and we both then left.
When we got to the apartment Gerald took my keys and made me wait by the elevator just in case. After he went inside and looked around he told me to come in.
When I walked in the whole place was filled with empty beer bottles, the blinds were closed so it was sort of dark, some of the clothes were on the ground, there was some shattered glass I even found cocaine and Xanax pills on the coffee table. I look at Gerald scared Steven was never like this I thought. Gerald pulls me close to him and leads me into the room.
The room looked just like the living room but this time my clothes were the ones on the floor, the bed wasn't made, the fan was broke and the dresser had also fallen and broken.
"Just grab the rest of your stuff and let's get the hell out of here please." Gerald said looking around.
I did as he said and put the rest of my clothes into my other suit case I grabbed everything else I needed which wasn't a lot because I had already packed from our trip to Hawaii then we immediately left.
"God that was gross." I said.
"It smelled sweat and throw up, but please promise me that you won't go back there again please Devon I don't want you getting hurt." He said.
"I won't don't worry." I said.
"I'll drop you off at home and then I'm gonna go to the studio but if you want to come you can though." He said.
"Umm I think I'll put all my stuff away first." I say.
"Okay whatever you want babe." He said. My heart melted I love it when he calls me that.
Gerald helped me put everything inside then he went off to go record some songs.
After I put his and my clothes away I decided clean the whole apartment so he can come to a clean home where he could relax after a long day of recording.
I cleaned bathroom first then our room then the kitchen, living room, the other bathroom I even organize/cleaned the balcony. It was now 4:00 pm and Gerald was gonna come home at 7. I decided to go grocery shopping. I called Ally to see if she wanted to go with me and she agreed.*Ally texts Devon*
A:hey Dev I'm outside.
D:I'll be right there.
I went to the parking lot and saw her car. I opened the door and went inside.
"Oh my god hi! I missed you so much!" She said hugging me.
"I missed you too! How are you?" I ask.
"I'm good how are you?" She asks.
"I'm great thanks for asking." I with a small laugh.
We got to the grocery store I did some shopping and so did she.
"Wow." She said looking at my cart.
"Shut up." I say laughing.
"So what've you been up to?" She asks.
"Ohhh you know been with Gerald and dude today we went to get my stuff and we found the whole place trashed things were broken it smelled like throw up it was just awful." I explained to Ally.
"Ew I guess Stevens not taking it well." She said.
"Well he was the one cheating this whole time." I said.
"Really?" She asked surprised
"Yeah I was about to tell him that we should break up and found him and the lady he works with doing it in his office." I say.
"Aww I'm sorry hun." She said.
"It's okay I don't care anymore I have better and that's Gerald." I say and she smiled.
We checked out and she drove me back home.
"Thank you I really appreciate it." I say.
"No problem anytime whatever you need." She says. I give her a hug and had the doorman help me.
"Thank you." I told him when he put the stuff in my apartment and gave him a tip.
"Anytime ma'am thank you." He said I nodded my head at him and he left.
It was now 5:30 and I had to make dinner.
I made chicken with rice and a salad with avocado. I made the table while I waited for the food to be done.
I should probably text Gerald to tell him to not bring food just in case
*Devon texts Gerald*
D:hey babe don't bring home dinner we're eating in tonight.
G:okay babe thank you! And I think I'll be coming home sooner like at 6:30 we finished sooner then I thought.
D:okay sounds good means I have more time with you.
G:I'll see you soon babe I love you.
D:I love you too!
I put the food on the table and waited for Gerald. I went to go make sure I looked okay and that's when I heard the door opening.
"Gerald?" I said while walking into the living room
"No sweetheart not Gerald." My heart dropped it was Steven.

What you do to me (A g-eazy Fanfiction)
Fanfiction"After we reach the surface of the pool we both looked at each other in a deep way and he came closer, leaned in and kissed me. I didn't even try to think My lips automatically kissed him back. I've never kissed lips that were so soft. He put his ha...