Chapter Four

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I woke up Sunday morning to Sam shaking me, whisper-yelling my name.
"Cass, Cass you need to get up! Now!" Sam said.

"What's wrong?" I said sitting up.

"Here are some pants, let's go." Sam said.

"Samuel Winchester what the hell is going on?" I asked angrily.

"There are demons here looking for you. Dean is holding them back. We'll have to jump out your window." Sam said.

"Shit." I said, putting on the plaid pajama pants. Of course he chooses these ones. I thought to myself.

"I'll jump first, then I'll catch you." Sam said, opening my window. Then he jumped. I followed suit, only, I didn't land on the ground, Sam didn't catch me either. I flew.

I landed gracefully on the ground, and Sam and I hauled ass to get to the Impala. Once we got in, we took off like a high speed pursuit. We ended up going all the way to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

"Why are we here of all places?" I asked.

"You're going to stay here with a woman named Jody Mills. She's a good person and she's also taking care of two other girls, one is Claire Novak the other girl is named Annie." Sam said.

"I can't stay here are you crazy? Alice will be looking for me! I left my phone behind! Sam, you can't leave me here. I won't get out of this car." I said.

"Cassidy, look, I know this is hard but it's for your own safety. Just for a few hours." Sam said.

"Screw safety! Dean is back there! I have to go home NOW!" I said.

"You have only just started training, you aren't ready for a real fight." Sam said.

"I took a lot of self-defense classes, the first one I took when I was six. I can take care of myself. Besides, I have Sarah's house phone memorized. I can call them and they'll come get me. Either you take me home now, or I'll be home around eleven. If you choose the latter, you'll have to force me out of this car." I said.

"Fine. We'll go home." Sam caved.

Or so I thought. He knocked me out with the neck pinch thing and I woke up on an unfamiliar bed. I sat up.

"Winchester's bring you here?" A girl with heavy black makeup on and long blonde hair asked.

"Yeah. How'd you know that?" I said.

"They did the same to me and Annie. I'm Claire." Blondie, Claire apparently, said.

"Cassidy Winchester." I said.

"Are you serious? Which one is your dad?" Claire asked.

"Dean." I said.

"Why are you here?" Claire asked.

"Demons are looking for me. You?" I said.
"Can't be trusted not to make bad decisions. Jody will be in here soon to check up on you." Claire said. Then the door opened.

"Glad to see you're awake Cassidy. I'm Jody. How do you feel?" Jody asked.

"Like I need to go home to Lawrence. What time is it?" I asked.

"About four thirty. Do you want to call someone?" Jody asked.

"Yes. Please." I said.

"Here's my phone. We'll be right outside." Jody said.

I dialed Sarah's home phone. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Sarah said.

"Sarah it's me, Cassidy. I need you to come get me." I gave her the address of the place I'm staying at.

Cassidy Winchester: Dean Winchester's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now