Chapter Five

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Saturday was better. Sam and Dean didn't try to take me back to Jody's or send me anywhere else. Instead we actually went to the bunker and I learned very quickly how to fly on command. At first all I could do was hover, like I did last night. Now I can fly as high up as I want. It's amazing. I just need Alice. I need her so much. I wish we lived together so she could see all these things I can do instead of just hear about them. I proved to her I can read minds. Apparently, I can also communicate with my mind. Telepathy is something I've always wanted. Andy also has telepathy. I know because one day in class I read his mind and he was debating whether or not to tell me. So, we had a mind conversation.
"Andy, you know you can tell me anything." I said.
"Cassidy? You have telepathy?" Andy said.
"Yep." I said in his ear so we wouldn't get in trouble.

Time flew by. I distracted myself from thinking of mom more than anything I've ever avoided thinking of. I avoided it like it was the plague. I let myself think about her for a little while one day, then I began having nightmares about it. When I had them, I saw them as if I was the werewolf that killed her, and I didn't wake up until I heard myself calling out "mom". Eventually they got so terrifyingly vivid, I keep calling out for Dean in my sleep and he comes and wakes me up, comforting me. Homecoming is October seventeenth, and I'm taking Alice and wearing a tuxedo. It's next week. I need to find a tie still, it has to be red and silk or a material similar to silk.
Crash! I heard something really loud, like lots of books being dropped from the ceiling. I went downstairs.

"What do you really want from her Crowley?!" I heard Dean shout. I went into the front room and saw Crowley tied to a chair in a devil's trap.

"I just need to know that Rowena won't come after me ever again!" Crowley yelled.

"I don't buy it." Sam said, chuckling in disbelief.

"Guys, what the hell? Did you actually throw the only good lamp at Crowley? Seriously?" I said. The lamp was one that stood on the floor but was taller than Dean.

"Not necessarily thrown so much as launched." Dean said.

"We didn't mean to disturb you." Sam said.

"You really think that holding Crowley in the front room and very aggressively interrogating him wouldn't disturb me? You're going to honestly tell me, that you really didn't think I'd hear anything?" I said sarcastically.

"Guess we really didn't think this one through." Dean said, completely facing me. "Just got all dad. I'm just doing my best. I haven't done this very long."

"It's okay Dean." I turned to Crowley.

"Sam and Dean wouldn't think you had a hidden agenda unless you did so talk!" I shouted.

"FINE! I just want to know what your magical capabilities are." Crowley said.

"Are you going to let me go or am I going to have to remind you who controls the hellhounds?"

I had been standing behind Dean and knew he kept the demon killing knife I his back pocket, so I took it.

"Yeah, we'll let you out." I said, slowly walking towards him.

"There's a good girl." Crowley said, smiling slightly.

I smiled wide, then held the knife up, then brought it down in one swift motion, right through his chest where his heart was. He died quickly, even though he deserves much worse. He deserves a ridiculously slow death that takes hours.

"I didn't know you had that in you." Dean said.

"Neither did I until now. There was something else he didn't say, but I saw in his mind. He saw himself ordering me around, like I'm his bitch, doing his dirty work for him. I couldn't let that happen." I said.

"Either one of us could've done that for you. You didn't have to." Sam said.

"That's not comforting to me. You see, to me, it sounds like you're sheltering me. I was plenty over-sheltered by my adoptive dad, then he left. I could finally really do whatever I wanted. I don't need to be protected, I am completely capable of taking care of myself, as I just demonstrated for the second time." I said.

"I see that. I'm sorry." Sam said.

"Cassidy, I know you can take care of yourself. But I've only got three years of being able to take care of you before you go out in the world, on your own. Please don't take this away from me. I need this." Dean said.

"Actually.... There's something I need to talk to you guys about." I said.

"Okay. What is it?" Dean said.

"I'm gonna be a hunter. I don't want to be a psychiatrist anymore, I want to hunt. I need to. I'm good at it! When I was fighting those demons, I felt like how I feel when I'm in chorus. Happy. Truly happy. And hunting and singing are the only things apart from Alice that make me happy. Alice makes me the most happy, hunting and chorus will never hold a candle to the happiness I feel with her. Please, don't be upset. And besides, then you can always protect me." I said.

"I can't say I'm surprised. I mean, you're a total nerd when it comes to learning, but when you do it, it seems like a task you have to do. Not something that yeah, you have to do it, but you're enjoying it." Sam said.

"What do you mean you want to be hunter? You don't want that life. You'll lose people and probably die before you hit your mid-thirties. Don't you want those adorable couple moments? You can't have them if you're out hunting. Please don't choose that life. I gave it up for you." Dean said.

"Dean, it's my life and I'll do what I want with it." I said angrily.

"Look here young lady, I didn't move into this neighborhood and take responsibility for you or take you to school for you to just- just give it up! No, you're going to school." Dean said.

"Dean Winchester do you really want me to hate you? Do you really want me to run away? I can successfully do that. No one will find me. I'll be better at covering my tracks than even you. I've already talked to Alice about it and she said that she also wants to hunt. We'll hunt together. I won't be alone. I'll have her." I said.

"You really want to do this?" Dean asked.

"Yes. I really do." I said.

"Well tough! You're going to school! You're getting a career!" Dean said.

"Dean, it's her life, her decision. She's done a pretty good job of taking care of herself before we were here." Sam said.

"Thanks Sam." I said.

"Don't take her side! She doesn't know what she's giving up!" Dean said.

"Yes I do. I'm giving up the rest of high school, all of college, a long career, and a long life span. Guess what? I don't care!" I said.

"Oh sweetheart that's not all. You're also giving up having a home, caring about people, and possibly even your sanity. You could become a patient at a mental hospital." Dean said.

"A house. A home doesn't have to be a house. The bunker was your home. And, as long as I care about you, Sam, Sarah, and Alice, I'm okay." I said.

"Dean, c'mon. She's gonna hunt with or without us. She's clearly thought of a comeback for everything." Sam said.

"Yeah. You really, seriously, very, very, extremely sure you want to do this?" Dean said.

"Yes I'm really, seriously, very, very, extremely sure I want to hunt." I said.

"Okay. Fine. But you are never ever hunting alone. Got that? Never. I don't care if it's just one rouge vamp, you aren't going alone. Okay?" Dean said.

"Okay. Got it." I said.

"Glad this is settled." Sam said.

Sam, Dean, and I spent the rest of the evening talking about anything and everything, eating pizza and Sam and Dean drinking a few beers and me drinking root beer. It was a fun night.

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