Chapter Ten

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"Gabriel!" I called out.

"Cassidy!" Gabriel ran over to me. He cradled my head in his lap.

"I love you." I chocked out.

"I love you too." Gabriel teleported us to a hospital.

"Please, she needs a doctor! She's been stabbed!" Gabriel shouted.

A nurse brought out a stretcher and wheeled me into immediate surgery. Part of the blade was stuck in my lung. I became unconscious and didn't wake up until a week later.

"Cassidy. Are you okay?" Gabriel said, worriedly.

"I feel fine Gabe." I said.

"Get away from her. Because of you she almost got killed." Dean said.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hey. You need some water? Something to eat?" Dean said.

"Water. I'm not hungry." I said.

"I'll go get it." Dean said, then left.

"Hey. You wanna chocolate bar? It's Hershey's milk chocolate." Sam said.

"No. I can't even think of eating right now." I said.

"Maybe later then. How does it feel? Your rib cage area?" Sam said.

"It's a little sore but that's it." I said.

"That's good. It could be worse." Sam said.

"How bad were they Gabe? When you told them?" I asked.

"Sam was actually nice about it. Dean tried to rip my throat out." Gabriel said.

"Uncle Sam please tell me you got Dean off of my boyfriend?" I said.

"I did. It was hard, but I did." Sam said.

"Is he telling the truth?" I asked Gabriel.

"He is." Gabe said.

"Good." I said.

"Here's your water." Dean handed me a Dasani water bottle.

"Thanks." I took a drink. "If you attack my boyfriend ever again, I'll kill you. Okay?" I said.

"Sorry. Inner dad came out." Dean said.

"How are we doing in here? Anything I can do?" A nurse came in.

"Say I'm well enough to go home." I gave her an innocent smile.

"How does the injured area feel?" She asked.

"A little sore." I said.

"Can you do a sit up for me?" She asked. I did two.

"Alright. I'll get these off of you and you can go." She got an IV out of my arm and I got dressed in clothes Gabriel brought for me and Dean signed me out and we left.

The rest of the day we just relaxed on the couch and Gabriel and I were all couple-y just to grate Dean's nerves and it was great.

A week later, Dean said I could go into the field again, satisfied I'd healed.

"Werewolf attacks in Versailles, Illinois. Let's go." Dean said. I packed my and Gabriel's things in the same suitcase and after Sam and Dean finished packing we left. We arrived four hours later. There was a crime scene to scope out.

"I'm Agent Asher, these are my partners agents Stark, Banner, and Rodgers. We're with the FBI." I said. We all flashed our fake badges.

"I'm Officer Nash." An older man with a low nasal voice said.

Cassidy Winchester: Dean Winchester's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now