1.'The Bitter Corner' [Sinbad x Reader]

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Since you were one of a very first Sinbad's companions, you found the idea of you not being one of his generals, mildly insulting.

Who said it had to be Eight Generals? It could be Nine as well, people would get accustomed anyway. You were sure nobody would complain. It wasn't like because you were a woman you couldn't join – Yamuraiha and Pisti were females. You weren't weak either. You accompanied Sinbad in his first dungeon conquer and for years you led his merchant company along with him. You could fight on your own and you were capable to protect yourself.

So yeah, you felt mildly insulted.

Who you were kidding? You were deadly offended and while others cheered, trying on a new clothes, you sat at the sidelines devouring sweets. The night carried on with a festival on this oh so grand occasion, that followed hectoliters of wine and a flock of woman.

You were sure, your place at king Sinbad's side, was called 'the bitter corner' by now. Laying between comfy pillows you couldn't care less about woman surrounding the young king. Usually you'd be annoyed, but today you drowned sorrows in food and wine. You put down a bottle deciding it was enough.

"Hey, ____, have some more wine!" you heard joyous laugh. You narrowed your eyes at Sinbad.

"No," you replied and buried yourself in soft pillows.

"Why~?" he slurred obviously drunk. You heard endless giggling of girls seated on his laps.

"I don't want to. Leave me in my bitter corner," you said. You had to admit, you too were a little bit drunk.

"Bitter corner?" Ja'far interjected. "What do you mean?"

"Leave me aloneeeee!" you said. No, wailed, and threw a pillow at him. You missed your target and the pillow hit Sinbad in his had causing him to spill the wine all over himself. You blinked and started to laugh. His face was priceless.

Your mood improved a little, though not enough to enjoy the night. And worst of all, you had to help Sinbad with getting to his chambers. You cursed under your breath while you escorted the drunk king through the corridors. At least he didn't try to make a move on you.

In the morning you decided to confront the king and tell him exactly how you felt about not being one of his Generals. Unsurprisingly you found him still asleep. You moved the curtains away, bringing morning light to the room. Person on the bed moved and groaned in protest.

"Wake up, Sinbad!" you huffed.

"____... Let me sleep," he croaked.

"Wake up, imbecile king!" you dumped a water that you took with you on his head.

"Alright, alright! You didn't have to do this!" he jolted awake and grumbled. You shrugged and watched as he made his way for clothes. He messaged his temples mumbling about a headache.

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