3. Not alone [Train Heartnet x Reader]

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Being carried in bridal style was reserved for a wedding night, not for bleeding with slowly fading conscious. At least, it was what you always thought.

You coughed and looked at person cradling you in his arms. You moved your trembling hand to his cheek.

"Train..." you choked, grabbing his attention. "Why?"

"Why what?"

You coughed yet again and noticed that your hand left bloody fingerprints on his cheek.

"Why did you came back for me?"

You were at verge of tears.

Few hours ago, you were left alone with Eve in your room at hideout. Sven and Train went to obtain information. While the little girl read, you took a shower. You were startled when you heard noise from the room across, picking your pajamas and dressing up, you leaned out of the bathroom doors. Unfamiliar man in poncho stood with his back turned to you. Unsheathing your dagger you creeped behind him. He turned around with beaten up Eve in his hands.

"Who are you?" you asked.

"I'm looking for Train Heartnet. Where is he?" the man turned to you. His face was obstructed with a hat and red bandana, so you could only see his eyes. You glanced at Eve, she was unconscious and bleeding.

"What's your business with Train?" you asked, not losing your calm. Being former assassin taught you to be careful. Especially if the man got a hostage in his hands.

"I heard he's the best gunman in the world, I'm here to prove him, that's not true. My name is Glaster Durham and I'm the greatest gunman."

He showed you the wall. The letters written in blood contained the message about the challenge. His gaze was fixated on you as he reached for his gun. He let go Eve on the floor and aimed at you.

"Now, this one didn't want to tell me, how about you?"

Deciding to not lose your chance, you leaped at the man and knocked off his revolver. Gun was sent flying as you aimed your kick on his neck. He didn't make a move to dodge and with a slight satisfaction you hit with a full force, only to feel pang of pain in your feet. You winced and looked at his face. His mouth was hidden behind metal mask.

You swung your dagger at him only to be blocked. He caught your hand and kicked you in the stomach. An old wound reopened leaving you bleeding and breathless. You saw dangerous glint in his eyes as he kicked you again. You stumbled back and taking out second dagger you tried to pierce through his chest. Once again you were stopped, this time he shot a bullet through your arm. The metal mask uncveiled a hidden gun.

You blacked out.

When you woke up, you were in the woods. Stumbling to sit straight, you heard gunshots in the distance. You coughed and winced when you felt your arm bleeding. You teared part of your shirt and tied the cloth around the wound. With a slight dizziness you stood up.

You needed to get back to the hideout and take care of Eve. Then, call Sven and Train to tell them about this mad man. Only problem was, you didn't know where exactly you should go. Gunshots echoed through the forest, following more shouts. You noticed two figures leaping through the trees.

"Train!" you gasped as your eyes widened in recognition. He came to duel with the Durham guy. Why would he do that?

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