The Picture

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Second Part guys! woooo I hope you guys like it! Please vote, comment, and fan! I love you all!



Destiny's Pov:

After finishing my schooling for the day, I went up to my room and changed. I put on my gray off the shoulder sweatshirt with white stars, along with my tie-dye panel denim shorts. I then put on my black pastry shoes. I topped it off with my black beanie and some jewelry. I grab my camera bag from my desk along with 2 memory cards and head out. 

I walk down the stairs and kiss my aunt goodbye, and see that my dad was still not home, meaning he must working overtime, again.

"Where you going sweetie?" My aunt Kala asks getting up from the dining room chair.

"The usual, out with Jessica at the beach." I smile, hoping she doesn't see through my lie.

I know I shouldn't lie, but when I first got this job I decided not to tell anyone, the only one who knows is Jessica. I use the money to pay off the extra bills, that my dad can't. I've been doing this for about a year, I usually say I'm going out and I go and work. Somehow they haven't noticed that these bills are getting paid by me. But if my aunt or dad found out they would make me quit and that's something that can just not happen. 

"Ok have fun sweetie!" my aunt says smiling. I breath a sigh of relief that she bought my usual excuse.

I walk out the door and grab my skateboard that is waiting on the side of the entrance way. I slip my camera bag around my neck and skate down the road. I watch as I pass the ocean on the way to the club, and I can't help but take in the smell that I love so much. The wind flies through my wavy hair as I speed closer to my destination.

I pull up to the club and there is already a huge crowd of paparazzi. 

"Shit" I mumble under my breath, hopping off my skateboard.

I lean my skateboard in a nearby bike rack, and walk closer to the crowd. I try to push my way through with my camera to get to the pictures, but I kept getting elbowed back. I got knocked on my butt at least five times.

After getting pushed down for the sixth time, one of the pap stopped, turned to me and just said "Go home kid this isn't for children." I give him a grimace before getting up and trying again.

I finally push through just to get 2 worthless shots of some random person right before they close the doors. I sigh as I walk over and retrieve my skateboard from the bike rack, just as the rest of the paparazzi leave. Frustrated, I polb down on my skateboard. 'How are we going to pay for the bills this month!?! I needed those photo's I needed the money!' I sigh and bang my head against the building, then pull out my phone to text Jessica.

Text convo:

Me: Well tonight was a bust! I got no pictures I can show to your dad. Ugg, I'm so screwed!

Jes: I'm sorry Des, maybe I could talk to my dad for you?

Me: No Jes! We talked about this! Although I could really use the money, I can't, you can't.

Jes: fine, I'm really sorry Des.

I groan and slip my phone in my pocket as I stand up and grab my skateboard. I slowly started to walk back, when I was stopped by the sound of crying then a BANG, like someone had kicked something. I walk toward the noise, then I hear swearing as I realized it was coming from the alley behind the club. I glanced around the corner and see a boy on the floor with his head in his hands. Wait, that's no random boy, that's Cody Simpson! I quickly hide my head back around the corner so he wouldn't look up and see me. 

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