Chapter 6

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Here is chapter 6 and I hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment.

I made it through the whole week of school. I had washed and given Katy's dress back, my truck was picked up and delivered to my house, and I didn't have any more drama. Well that was all true until Friday. I was getting ready from school when I heard Uncle start cursing down stairs. "What's wrong?" I said running down the stairs.

"He got off! They released him today!" He yelled putting his head in his hands. Derek had been sent to jail but I refused to testify and so did all the people at the bar. They were afraid of Derek and his family, but I just felt guilty. I didn't really want to send Derek to jail, it's not like he had hurt me or anything. Because no one would testify the cops couldn't find enough evidence to send Derek to trial. "Why won't you testify? Are you afraid he's going to hurt you, because I can protect you." No you really couldn't, if only you knew.

"He didn't really do anything; I don't want to send him to jail. I'm not going to destroy someone's life by sending him to jail over nothing."

"Nothing, he abducted you and took you off to a place where you didn't know! Have you even thought of what he might have done to you if we hadn't gotten there?" I was done with this conversation so I grabbed my keys and went to school. Once in the school parking lot I just sat in my truck and looked at the roof. He wouldn't have done anything to me and besides I was already leaving when to cops showed up. Why couldn't he just let it go?

I went to school and didn't have any problems. Luke still didn't talk to me and that was fine by me. Katy apologized almost every day for not stopping Derek. I kept telling her it was fine but she still felt guilty. I went home and sat in my room all afternoon and laid in bed. I didn't want to deal with people right now so I went to sleep supper early. I woke up at four in the morning realizing I had fallen asleep in my clothes.

I went into the bathroom and got ready for work even though it didn't start for a couple hours. I opened my window and felt the cool air come in. I stepped out on to the porch roof and then turned around and grabbed the edge of the roof above my bedroom. I pulled myself up careful not to slip and laid down looking at the stars. One time when I was little I had been playing hid in seek with my older brother when I had come up here to hide. I don't really remember how I had gotten up, but I remember watching my family franticly looking around the yard. I was little and still thought they were playing so I stayed quite. I regret that now, seeing my parents worry about me. Now they were all gone and I was left alone.

I stayed on the roof till the sun began to rise. I went to get off the roof but slipped and fell on to the porch roof and continued to slide. I grabbed onto the gutter just before I fell completely. I cut my arm trying to grab the gutter and now blood was slowly making its way down as I dangled from the roof. I tried to pull myself up but my arm hurt too much and I couldn't reach the roof with my other hand. I looked down hoping to see an answer to my problem, but only found it to be as serious as I had thought. In this position if I fell I would probably break my leg if not more. My fingers started to slip and I tried desperately to pull myself up. Uncle had night shift so he wasn't home and the front door was locked so it was no use to yell for help. My hand slipped off the gutter but before I could fall a hand grabbed mine.

It pulled me up and held me to his chest. "What the hell were you doing?" I could hear his heart racing and knew it was Derek. I didn't try to fight him this time because I was just glad I was okay. Derek pulled me back into my room and into the bathroom. He got the rag that was sitting next to the sink and ran water over it. He carefully placed it on my arm trying not to hurt me. It still stung and I winced a little. "Lauren we need to talk." Derek said as he continued to wipe the blood off me. I just looked down hoping he would get the hint and shut up. "Lauren you're my mate." He said taking in a big breath.

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