Chapter 5

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Here's Chapter 5 and I hope you like it.

At the station I sat near Uncle's desk until he got someone to cover for him. I told him I was fine but he was determined to take me home himself. He got his partner to take my truck home and take the police curser back to the station when we got home. The whole time I spent with my Uncle he nagged me about getting a restraining order against Derek. I didn't want to go through the hassle because I didn't think Derek would care. "Are you sure you don't want one, he might come after you again."

"I'm sure Uncle and what good would it do? I doubt that if I just wave a paper in front of him saying 'I have a restraining order' is going to stop him."

"Yeah, but we could get him thrown in jail."

"Not for long if at all, you said yourself his parents got him out of jail for sending a kid to the hospital."

"I wasn't the guardian of that kid!" Uncle tightened his grip on the steering wheel and his knuckles turned white. He hated Derek and it was plane to see. I didn't talk to Uncle the rest of the day. We ate dinner in silence and I went up to my room to get ready for bed. I took a shower but had forgotten my clothes in my room. I didn't mind I mean my room and the bathroom were connected. I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room. When I got in my room I froze and my heart rate accelerated till I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. Standing next to the window was Derek.

I ran back into the bathroom and tried to the close the door, but Derek had gotten his hands around it and pushed it open. I went to scream, but he put his hand on my mouth and pushed me up against the wall. "Let me explain, please." He looked desperate, but all I could focus on was the fear that was rising. "I'm going to let you go and if you scream I'm taking you out that window with me." He backed away and then removed his hand. I gasped for breath and started wheezing. I was having a panic attack. I had one once before when I found my family dead on the floor. "Lauren, just breath I'm not going to hurt you. Listen to my voice, you are fine, you're safe." Derek talked calmly and I listened to the tone, but not the words. My breathing returned to normal and I clutched my towel to me.

"Derek, please just leave me alone."

"I wish I could, but I can't. You are all I think about, you have taken up every thought since I saw the scared girl running to save the poor helpless dog she ran over."

"I'll scream if you don't leave right now and my Uncle will be running up here with his gun."

"You don't want to do that," He said threw his teeth and he took a step closer to me. He was fighting back the anger that he had never restrained for others. "And besides those bullets wouldn't do anything but piss me off."

"What do you mean, he would shoot you and you would die just like everyone else he was forced to shoot."

"But you know that I'm not just like everyone else. I'm not human and his bullets wouldn't hurt me."

"When I hit you, you had been shot and I know that hurt you so you can't say bullets don't hurt you." I was frustrated and tears made my vision blurry.

"I said HIS bullets, some can hurt me, but only special bullets and only special people have them." His voice was softer and less harsh, but it didn't stop me for making up for his lack of anger.

"Well I hope those special people find you, so I never have to see you again!" I screamed dropping to the ground and shaking with anger. The tears that have filled my eyes were running down my face and there was no stopping them. Derek looked behind him and growled. He heard Uncle running up the stairs and looked at me one last time before he reluctantly turned and disappeared into the night. My last words had hurt him, but I was crying too much to fix what I had done.

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