Chapter 8: Hearing Marluxia

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 It was supposed to be their fourth anniversary, Demyx hadn't left his room since the death of his love three years back. Those three years had been long and dark for Demyx; he didn't remember most of what happened in those years. But he could still see what happened to Marluxia very clearly. He could hear what Marluxia said to him. He thinks that he had forgiven Axel for forcing him to watch the scene, but he couldn't think straight. There was a knock on the door and he got up out of bed, with Marluxia's rapier and answered it.

"Hey...Dem. Xigbar is having a meeting...he wants all of us there." Elvira replied softly.

"I'm not leaving here."

"Dem, it's been three have to leave the room."


"Xigbar said that he wanted all of our opinion."

"On what? A new name for ourselves?"

"No...on a new member."

Demyx was aghast by what he just heard. "He's planning to replace him?"

"No, no one could replace him. He was too great of a man to be least in the time frame I knew him."

"He was a great guy."

"Come on...Xigbar wants us. He said that he isn't going to start until you come down."

Demyx sighed. "It looks like I don't have a choice...who found someone?"

"Bethann...found a man about your age."


When they got down to the meeting room, everyone froze as they saw Demyx.

"She did it." Lexaeus whispered.

"It's nice to have you join us today Dem." Xigbar replied.

Demyx ignored this and went to Marluxia's seat instead of his. He wasn't really paying attention to what was going on, but he agreed to the new member joining. When the meeting was over he immediately went back to his room, ignoring the new member completely.

Axel went up to the new member.

"Hi, there...I'm Axel." Axel introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Luckai. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you to."

"What is wrong with that other member?"

"What other member?"

" The one that looks like a rocker...he was holding on to that scythe weapon pretty tight."

"Oh...that is Demyx. He's been having trouble cooping with a loss from three years ago. The weapon he was carrying, belonged to his love."

"What happened to her?" Luckai asked.

"He...he died in a fistfight with his ex."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry, that was the first time we've seen him out of his room since it happened."

"He's been locked up in his room for three years?"

"Yeah, we've been leaving him food for him at his room that he came out, I hope we could see him more often."

"Wow, it must have been a pretty bad loss."

"Yes it has...I think he was reminded of him when you entered the room."

"Why do you say that?"

The Demyx Continuum: Drowning the Rose (Book 2 of 5?)Where stories live. Discover now