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"You think you can pull this off?" Kira asked me on our way to her car, it has been a week since the bet and every day she's been driving me home.

Luke couldn't be more pissed off because of my new friendship with his sister. We get into the car and buckle up.

"Yeah, I think I can" I giggle and she starts the car

"I mean, I think even if he does fall for you he'd never admit" she glances at me through her red glasses "Luke hates losing"

"Too bad for him because he will" I keep my confidence up, I can do this.

"Just make sure you won't get hurt at the end of this thing" she sighs, realizing I won't change my mind like she tried to talk me into for the last few days "Luke will do whatever it takes to win" she stops at the red light and turns to face me "He plays dirty"

"That makes two of us then" I smile, knowing my next step.

Luke had asked me on a date tonight. I have my sister's ballet presentation at 5pm and Luke will pick me up at 8pm and I have to make sure to look adorable and lovely. Kira dropped me home and I told her to relax about it, its just a bet.

I open the front door and Zoe jumps on me, making both of us fall on the ground

"Zozo!" I tickle her, taking her off of me

"Can you call mommy and tell her I'll save a seat for her?" She asks getting up and smothering her pink tutu

"Of course, munchkin!" I pinch her cheeks "Where's Gammy?"

"She's upstairs getting my things ready" Zoe dances around the room with her ballet poses

I close the front door and fish my phone, dialing my mom's number. It rings five times before she answers

"Elizabeth, is everything okay?" she sounds busy

"Yeah, Zoe just wanted me to let you know that she's saving you a seat for later" I walk toward the kitchen thinking about what I want to eat

"Save me a seat?" she sounds confused, I swear to God that I'll bitch slap her if she misses the presentation

"Yeah mom, please don't tell me you forgot" I clench my jaw

"Oh Lord, is the ballet thing right?" she gasps

"You better be there by 5pm sharp" I grab the jar of cookies and seat at the stool in front of the counter

"I'll run a little late, can I make it till 5:45?" she sounds like she's talking to one of her clients

"Jesus Christ, Charlotte" I roll my eyes in disgust "She's your fucking daughter not a client scheduling a meeting"

"I'm sorry Elizabeth but I'm a very busy woman" she says like it's fixing something

"Don't tell me you're sorry, just be there for Zoe" I hang up, feeling done with her.

I can't even eat now. She's unbelievable, she has always put work in front of her family. I can count in one hand how many times she watched my presentations at school, she even missed mother's day once. I drop the phone on the counter fighting the urge to call her again and say all the things that are bottled up in my throat.

"You're finally home" I see Gammy walking in the kitchen looking tired "I cannot make Zoe's hair into a bun, she can't stay still!" she runs a hand through her hair and grabs some water

"Just turn the TV on Barbie and she'll be quiet" I sigh, making the cookie in my hand into crumbles

"What's wrong?" She asks, leaning in the counter to face me

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