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Hi everyone! No update, sorry.

I just want your help w something. A professor of mine in college asked us to write a short story and submit it by monday so I wrote it and would like to know if is good. So please read it and comment telling me if you liked or not.

Thanks babes!


                   Numbers of you

A poet friend of mine once said "Words can only help you if you speak them" but unfortunately I choked at every attempt to let them out so I gathered all I had to say in your universe of numbers because, well, you know them better than I do. The closed set of finite numbers were our days together.

We met at one. You smiled saying it was unusual for a girl to drink straight black coffee without sugar. I blushed and answered saying I had to scare the monster in my head with something strong. You took my number with a promise you'd call the next day but you called that very same night.

You asked me out at three but I only said yes at ten, thank you for keep asking.

I kissed you back on thirteen. You made the butterflies on my stomach learn how to fly. Hell, I didn't even know I had butterflies until you touched my neck with your warm fingertips.

I can't put a finger on the exact day I fell for you but it was probably somewhat in between eleven or fifteen. Perhaps even at one (even though you know I would never admit that).

You completed my life with color and taught me that being nice just for once wouldn't kill me, just like at seventeen where I met your friends. The smiley one told you I was too tiny to be this bitter but you just laughed knowing it was my armor but you were able to break in through the cracks.

I showed my first shade of trouble at twenty where we argued for what felt like forever over some picture. Thank you for staying. Thank you for pushing my back against the wall in your room saying you wouldn't let me go until we were okay again.

You tamed me into a lovable human being since three and I'm sorry I didn't notice until fifty two.

The "I love you"s were exchanged that night at twenty four. Your eyes were the most perfect glowing shade of blue while mine were a hurricane of brown. Your lips kissed my doped temple as your soft hands calmed the storm in my heart with soft rubs on my back.

As if a novel author would describe us as if we were rain I'd be the unpredictable storm while you'd be the soft drizzle.

I thought I had ruined everything at thirty five but gladly you swallow my stubbornness along with the lump in your throat.

I'm sorry. You had to put me first even though you were right.

You unraveled my fussy head in thirty nine and I wanted to run away that night because no one had ever gotten that close. That glowing in your eyes made me terrified of how strong emotions can be and how weak I am before them.

Nights and days went by as my eyelids were made of your kisses and my mouth a resting haven for yours. Nothing could ever be better or any different. I met your parents on fifty one your mum said I looked so lovely that I almost laughed because no one could see love in me before her genes tagged along through you.

Your brother told you I was too good to be true but little he knew that the real good had grown up with him. That night it seemed that they didn't know you because all the nice adjectives were stamped on my skin when in reality they belonged with yours. You told me it was okay because they knew your heart.

That night I knew I'd be forever yours for as long as you would have the trouble to keep me. Internally I hoped that'd last forever.

You first saw my demons at one but only realized how big and mean they are on fifty eight, they challenged you that night too. You let me go for the first time after I yelled at the top of my lungs the poisoned words that grew in me but were tamed with your love. Perhaps they escaped because I was too weak to keep em in.

I regretted those words made out of anger on the minute they left my lips but it was too late. You left through the door and slammed it on your way out. Shutting my heart with the wooden piece. I cried for the first time.

Sour tears until sixty six where I knew I had to crawl back to own up my wrongs. My body was too weak so I let it stay in bed for another day just to grow a pair.

I dug out courage to call you on sixty seven dying without you. You didn't even had to meet me after all I'd done but you did. You saw the surface of the monster crawling up on my skin. You looked it straight in its eyes and demanded it to go away because I belong with you, not it.

We got back together at seventy. Thank you for swallowing me down for the second time. Thank you for being resilient and sorry if I took you for granted.

I knew I'd love you until I burst on seventy three where I laid in your arms smelling the mint in your breath as you hummed sweet nothings into the night saying how bad I was but that's okay because you could teach me to be good.

Sorry if I relied on that even knowing you couldn't. Sorry if I ruined things, I'm not meant to have good things because I can't keep them safe, but thank you for trusting me your heart.

Our second fight was at eighty nine and I remember crying in front of you as you said that I was far more complicated than you'd expected. I remember yelling at you, saying you promised you'd help me be good. I remember the look on your face, the kind of look that hit me like a wave as it was saying that I would never have anything good again because of my nature.

At ninety one you left and let you.

I watched your slim figure walk out of my living room and close the door carefully on your way out. I sat back on the couch where we had watched countless movies cuddling through the night and started to cry.

I waited weeks for you to get back.

But you didn't.

My shaky hand couldn't reach the phone because I wasn't sure if there would be an answer on the other end. My eyelids were dry and at every attempt of closing them nightmares flooded my brain so my only choice was saying awake without your lips to make sure the bad dreams wouldn't catch me.

I'm still waiting for you to walk across my door.

Today is day one hundred and twenty eight and I'm sitting put on the very same couch where you said you loved me at night seventy one. Hope is in my heart and the kettle is on the fire warming water for the tea you love so much.

The light will stay on as the key under the match, all here waiting for you.

And when you get where it would be like you never left.

I won't promise to make you happy because I failed you once so I'll promise you to love you until I burst. To be resilient with you like you were to me, to bring the best in us like you used to. To make you laugh about silly cartoons because life doesn't have to be that hard.

I don't want to rush you, take your time.

It's okay if you show up after day two hundred and thirty seven, I will still be here.

Waiting for you to come home.

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