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My session was over and I found myself one step of knocking on Mrs. Hemmings door. I don't know what she wants to talk to me about but I can't possibly cry more so I hope she doesn't expect me to talk about my sessions or my parents.

When I knock it she tells me to get inside. I take a seat in front of her desk and sink into the black chair

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asks with a concerned look

"I'm getting better" I say honestly

"Good" she smiles "I know now isn't the best time to talk about it but I'm sorry, I just have to" she pulls some papers from her drawer "These are your grades so far and I must say, it is quite impressive to keep straight As with every thing that's been happening"

"It wasn't hard" I don't say it to brag about it, but I never studied that hard. I just knew what to write on the exam, I'm a fast learner

"Good to know" she smiles "I wanted to ask you what do you want to do as a career. You could get in pretty much every university with your high school record, never failed and lowest grade was one single B+ in chemistry in freshman year" she reads the paper "Do you have any plans?"

"Yeah, my plans are pretty much skipping college" I look down my lap

"Why?" she frowns her brows

"It's not important" I lick my lips and face her eyes

"How come?"

"I don't need a sheet of paper to tell me if I'm capable of doing something" It didn't come out rude because that's not my intention, I'm just saying what I believe "Neither some numbers to prove how smart I am. There are greater things to do"

"Such as?" She tilts her head and I sigh

"Be happy" I say simply "We lose too much time trusting on a broken system to tell us how to be and what to do, I don't need a 5.0 GPA to prove I can make something out of myself"

"But Elizabeth, getting an education is very important. How will you get a job and support yourself?"

"I'll find something I love to do and just do it" I stand up "I appreciate your concern, I really do but I'm not into that" I smile and walk towards the door

"If you ever change your mind, just come see me" she puts my files back into the drawer

I nod and leave her office. I pretty much run to the cafeteria where I think Luke is, I find Mikey in the middle of the way

"Hey hey hey, slow down" he holds my shoulders "Is free food somewhere? Or kittens ready to be pet?" he looks around with a silly smile on his lips

"I just need to find Luke, like ASAP" I breath in and out

"Um, now that you mentioned I haven't seen him since last period where we're in English class" he starches his chin "Try calling him"

"I left my phone home" I press my hands over my back pockets but there was just the car keys

"I'll try" he fishes his phone from his tight jeans

He tries a couple of times but it's off

"Its okay, I'll keep looking" I smile and squeeze his hand "But thank you Mikey, you're the best" I kiss his cheek and keep walking

He looks confused because I never display affection like that but I'm working on it. I go to all the places I think he is but he isn't. I tried the library but nothing, his locker and nothing, even the parking lot and all I've found was his black trucked parked at the front. Then I remembered about the auditorium, he goes there to think.

I run my short legs towards it and open the door trying to making no sound. I find Luke laying down in the center of the stage with his arms over his head and headphones plugged on his ears. At least the lights are on. I walk in a rush towards the stage, not even bothering to smother my messy braided hair. I reach the stage and climb it then hover Luke taking his headphones out of his ears making him jolt and sit down

"Liza" he says in a surprise "What are you doing here?" he frowns his brows and runs a hand over his hair

"I needed to talk to you" I say feeling nervous

"Okay, I'm here" he smiles awkwardly

"I've been thinking and taking some conclusions about lots of things lately" I sigh and kneel in front of him then sitting my bum over my legs. "Fuck this is hard" I sigh again, running my hands up and down my bare thighs "What I said at the club, I-I was" I lower my head trying to form a sentence that makes sense "I am-" I sigh again, why is this so difficult "Fuck it" 

I lean in and take his face in my hands, kissing his lips with all the burning desire igniting from the inside out. He kisses me back almost instantly, wrapping his big hands on the small of my back pulling me to his lap. I lean my head so he can deepen the kiss making me moan quite loudly. I missed his soft lips, his eager tongue, his taste. My hands grip on his neck pulling his hair making him moan and move his neck.

I let my hand trail from his neck to his chest then to his ribcage and wrapping itself around his side, scratching his back on that spot. I pulled away looking for air but Luke is eager, he attaches his lips to my neck and I lean it forward giving more room to mark me.

We kiss wildly for some good twenty minutes until we both pull away running out of breath.

He looks at me like he's trying to understand what the fuck just happened

"I love you" I say before I lose the courage to say it.

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