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Luke's POV

I watched her leave the room and my sister cry in silence. My heart sinked but I couldn't feel regret in my veins. What I feel about Liza hasn't change and will never change, thats for sure, but I'm changing.

The silly and flirty is long gone, I felt myself changing from wine to water and I liked it. I liked having someone by my side, I liked having Liza whenever I wanted, I liked sleeping next to her and watching her sleep as soon as I wake up, I really liked having her as someone I can trust and rely on. I really did.

Did as not in a I'm-done-with-her kinda way, but I'd like us to sorta upgrade. She can't mope around like she's been doing, she can't expect her family to be always shiny and bright cause it wont be, she can't keep hiding herself in a fairytale pretending that our easy happy ending is just around the corner.

Life's hard. You gotta work hard for everything, even to maintain your relationship. I love her with each and every inch of my body, I love everything about her even her flaws, but we can't rely only on love.

Not after watching my mum heartbroken after her second marriage. I've seen her happy when she married Kira's dad, but it's like their love worn out and at the end she ended up alone just like when my Dad left us. I remember seeing her being strong for us but at night when I walked past her room I could hear her crying.

Maybe I snapped like that because men have left her twice and I cannot be the third one leaving her. I wanna go to Sheffield, of fucking course I do, but it's more than just what I want. Mum dedicated her life for us, always putting ourselves first rather than herself, I can't just turn my back and leave.

"I hope she leaves you" Kira says snapping me back to reality. Her voice is dark and filled with rage.

She walks towards the door and opens it, but before leaving she faces me with her red swollen eyes piercing mine

"I really hope she dumps you and you never see her again" she shares some more tears and leave

I know I was rude and a dick. I know I hurt the woman I love. I know everything might be all over.

I don't feel in me to go after Liza and apologize. First because she hid the fact she might be pregnant, second because I'm sure I'll say the wrong words because we're both upset. I lie in bed and try to sleep.


I woke up with Ashton and Mike creeping into my room.

"Hey mate, we were going to sit here and wait till you wake up" Mike says sitting on my bed

"Thats okay, I've slept quite a lot" I sit and Ash does the same 

"So we heard about how things are going here" Ash starts "Sorry bout your mum and Liza" 

"Yeah, things are rough right now and me and my big mouth didn't make it better" I rub my eyes feeling all the facts sinking in. "Thanks for your support, mate" 

"Anytime" Mike says "But actually we came to say goodbye" his voice is uneasy


"Um, yeah" Ash replies "Mike and I have been looking for a way to leave here for a while, we found this producer in a studio wanting us to do backup sounds and song writing" Is everyone leaving? I might as well leave too.

"And when are you going?" I try to wrap my mind around it

"Tonight" Mike says "It was everything so fast, the dude called us yesterday and already booked our plane tickets and issued our working visa" 

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