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Moving to a new city can be intimidating, especially New York City. Lauren however, was confident in this move knowing her best friends were by her side.

The four girls moved up from little Ashland, Ohio. Their dreams were obviously a lot bigger than the town, so they took off to New York, together. Soon after graduation they packed their bags and took off. The girls were inseparable all throughout high school, that definitely stuck throughout the move. The girls chose the same apartment complex, Dinah, Ally, and Normani piled into one of the larger apartments while Lauren took the apartment across from her best friends. Although she loves her friends with all of her heart they all know Lauren needs her own space.

The best friends quickly adjusted to city life, setting up their apartments and getting comfortable in the constant rush of The Big Apple.

Before they knew it, summer had flown by,  and it was time for Lauren's first day of college.

"Are you nervous?" Dinah smirks as she slides a cup of coffee to Lauren. The green eyed girl simply shrugs her shoulders as she takes the hot coffee past her lips. Normani and Dinah give each other a look and grin.

Lauren raises an eyebrow before turning the tables on Dinah. "Are you nervous about starting college next week?"

Dinah rolls her eyes and places a hand on her hip. "Are you kidding me? I'm a dance major, I'm a kick ass dancer." Dinah playfully flips her hair, "Plus I'm not walking into that school solo like you, I've got Mani." Dinah's sarcastic response earns an eye roll from Lauren.

"Lauren this is not your house!" Ally playfully scolds as she enters the kitchen. Lauren pouts in Ally's direction.

"Yeah Lauren you didn't want to room with us," Normani acts like Lauren has broken her heart. The girls have been in this living situation for three months and the green eyed girl still has to hear the same jokes every single day that she enters this apartment. Lauren basically only sleeps across the hall, she can't help it she loves her best friends being so conveniently close.

"I'm leaving," Lauren sighs, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Good luck!" They all call out as Lauren strides for the door.

"Think she's nervous?" Lauren hears Ally whisper to the other two girls.

"Totally," Dinah answers.

Before Lauren exits the door she proudly flips the middle finger to her group of friends, earning a collection of laughs.

Lauren's feet carry her up the steps towards her prestigious art school, although she hates to admit it, she's painfully nervous.

Her first class was a simple creative writing class, which was a comfortable start to the day. As she entered the class she noticed the small number of people which put her into a slight state of relief. The green eyed girl walked herself to a desk towards the center but close to the edge.

She sets her bag beside her chair and whips her phone out of her pocket, beginning to mindlessly scroll through Tumblr until the class began.

Lauren soon felt eyes on her back, she suddenly halted her scrolling and began to listen to the conversation going on behind her.

"Interesting..." She heard one female voice breathe out.

"How much do you want to bet that she keeps her legs spread farther than the state of Texas?" A different girl questions, causing a wave of prissy giggles.

Gossip, lovely. A clique, even better. You would think this stuff would have ended with high school.

Lauren returns to scrolling through Tumblr, trying her best to ignore the stuff going on behind her.

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