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It was Monday morning and Camila's anxiety was slowly crushing her. Kenzie said she would try to look for Lauren again on Monday, today. The weekend was an amazing distraction from the blonde and her search, but the thought of her tracking Lauren down today made Camila's stomach twist into knots.

"Camz?" Lauren's smooth voice quickly draws her from her thoughts on the day.

She whips around from her place by the kitchen counter and turns to face her girlfriend. She wraps her arms around Lauren's neck as her hands gravitate towards Camila's hips. The smaller girl quietly hums in response as she buries her head into the crook of the girls neck.

"Are you okay?" Lauren giggles as she steps closer and tightens her hold on the brunette. "You seem out of it baby," she sighs as one of her hands trails up the girls side to play with the loose strands of hair that cascade over her shoulder.

"I'm okay now." Camila mumbles into the older girls shoulder as she listens to Lauren's heart rate speed up.

"What's up?" Lauren questions, desperate to get to the root of whatever was troubling her girlfriend. She rests her forehead against the smaller girls as she awaits her answer.

Camila sighs as she thinks over possible answers to avoid the inevitable truth of the day. "It's nothing babe."

Lauren notices the way Camila's trying to make light of the situation that's nagging at the back of her mind. Lauren is not letting this go until she gets the truth. "Tell me." Lauren states in a soft pleading tone that makes Camila weak. "Please," She whispers as her head dips down to sponge kisses across the younger girls neck.

"I-I..." Camila sighs in pleasure, causing Lauren to halt her actions before planting a swift kiss to the girl's nose and waiting patiently for the truth. Her eyelids flutter open upon noticing Lauren's kisses disappeared, awaiting jade orbs appeared in her vision. "I'm just...nervous." Camila mumbles as she threads her fingers through Lauren's hair at the base of her neck.

Lauren's eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "Why? Am I forgetting an anniversary or something?" She nervously laughs before she notices Camila rolling her eyes. "Wait am I actually?" Her eyes widen as she runs through every date on the calendar in her mind.

"No!" Camila puts her wandering mind to rest with a playful slap to Lauren's shoulder.

"Then what is it?"

Lauren takes a moment to go through everything in her mind before she feels her heart drop in her chest. "Am I...Am I pressuring you or something?"

"What?" Camila's eyes shoot open.

"Is that it? Am I pushing you too far?" Lauren's gaze falls to the floor as her grip on Camila's hips begins to slip.

Camila's grip around the older girl's neck tightens. "Baby no," The younger girl pleads. "You never pressure me into anything." She whispers against Lauren's neck as she feels her let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank God." Lauren breathes out as her hold on the smaller girl tightens, "Don't fucking scare me like that," She nervously laughs.

"I know you would never push me too far," Camila sighs into the warm embrace. They sit in comfortable silence as Lauren calms down from her previous rush of panic. 

"Do you remember Thursday night?" Camila tentatively questioned as her fingers roamed across Lauren's arms.

A small smirk plays on Lauren's lips, causing a confused expression to overtake Camila's features. "When I was nearly asleep and you straddled my waist." Lauren's head lowered to gently suck on the exposed skin of Camila's collarbone. "Your lips on mine are the best wakeup." She mumbled against Camila's chest before continuing her playful assault on Camila's collarbones.

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