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"Don't leave me."

Lauren inhales a sharp breath at Camila's words. Did she really just say that? She couldn't have meant it. As soon as the thought crosses Lauren's mind she looks down to the girl's pleading brown eyes and every other thought evaporates, the only thing on her mind is helping the girl in front of her.

"Want to walk to my apartment?" Lauren questions, watching the girl hesitate for a moment, she looks Lauren up and down once before taking a step backwards.

"Hey," Lauren soothes her, "I don't know what happened but I'm not going to hurt you or anything, okay?" Lauren tries to reassure her, arching an eyebrow at Camila. The girl thinks over Lauren's words for a moment.

"I trust you."

If Camila knew all of the thoughts that Lauren has thought of her she definitely wouldn't trust her. Why should she trust Lauren? They didn't know each other, although you can easily find comfort in a stranger the two weren't on good terms, her friends have been apart of Lauren's annoyance, Camila was too, simply in the background.

Why was Lauren even agreeing to being with the girl? Lauren should've laughed in her face and stormed off, instead she finds herself walking beside Camila down the busy sidewalks of the city.

Lauren feels the fall air whip around them and she notices Camila shiver. "Don't you have a jacket?" Lauren nudges the smaller girl.

"I did earlier." The girl sadly states. Lauren frowns, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, she slips her backpack off her shoulder and quickly slips her flannel from her shoulders. "Here," Lauren offers it to Camila, she begins shaking her head but the green eyed girl doesn't take no for an answer. She holds up the fabric as Camila slips her arms into the warm clothing, it was too big on the girl but that didn't take away from how undeniably attractive Camila looked in Lauren's flannel. 

The green eyed girl picks up her bag and continues down the sidewalk with the smaller girl. Lauren peers over at Camila, a million thoughts race through her head. Lauren could easily tell the girl was timid, almost frightened, but why? The girl was in total contrast to her usual self, or at least how Lauren saw her. Why would Camila turn to Lauren of all people? It's not like the brown eyed girl didn't have plenty of other friends. The question that continuously popped into her mind was; why is Lauren choosing to help her? She doesn't need to, she really shouldn't help her, this girl has done nothing for her and she's apart of the coven of bitches. Is she really one of them though? 

Emerald eyes scale the building in front of them, "This is it," She motions toward the complex. As Lauren begins to walk towards the front doors, she realizes she isn't being followed. The dark haired girl turns around and eyes Camila, "Come on," She nudges. 

"Is it safe?" Camila nervously questions, eyeing the building before her. Lauren couldn't get over how young Camila was acting, she resembled a child more than a college student. 

"Of course it is, I live here," Lauren jokes to try and lighten the mood. Camila doesn't go for it, frowning at the building. "Don't you trust me?" Lauren questions. 

Camila is shaken from her daze by this question, the smaller girl looks to Lauren for a moment before nodding her head yes. She follows closely behind the green eyed girl as they trail through the lobby, towards the elevator. 

Once the doors open to the eighth floor the girls step out, one more cautiously than the other. Lauren thinks about stopping by her friends apartment, but she quickly decides that she would rather get answers out of Camila one on one. The green eyed girl rushes to stick her key in the lock and open her apartment door. Lauren swung the door open and quickly stepped in, holding the door open for the smaller girl. Camila took slow, cautious steps into the room, Lauren honestly hated seeing the girl so scared. 

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