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Lauren slept alone that night.

Although they exchanged that moment after Camila's shower, she still wanted to sleep across the hall. Ally graciously gave up her bed for the night, she always wanted the best for everyone. The green eyed girl hated knowing that she broke Camila's trust, hell, the smaller girl didn't even want to sleep in the same apartment as her. What hurt the most about that night was that she felt like she was missing something, she hated the empty feeling of the bed. Lauren couldn't help her feelings, she missed Camila.

But why? Lauren has been trying for so long to just dismiss her feelings as nothing, just stupid moodswings. Although she hadn't been around the smaller girl for long, she couldn't deny it any longer.

Lauren had feelings for Camila.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Ally questions from the doorway.

"No I'm okay, thank you so much." Camila shifts uncomfortably under the covers. This just wasn't the same. As the door shuts behind the older girl Camila peers into the darkness. Why was she even over here?

Camila felt like a thousand pounds had just been lifted off of her chest, so why was she avoiding the girl she obviously wants to be close to? The information from earlier just needs to settle between the two, that's what Camila continuously tells herself as she drifts off to sleep.

Meanwhile out in the living room the three roommates gather for a quick family meeting. "Lauren is so infatuated," Dinah chuckles as she sips her hot chocolate.

Ally looks at her confused for a moment. "Are you sure she's not just trying to be a good person?"

Dinah busts out in laughter at this. "Lauren isn't you, she doesn't just take someone into her home out of the kindness of her heart, there's something there. I know that girl."

"Sounds like you want them to be something more than they want it," Normani rolls her eyes.

Dinah simply shrugs. "I want Lauren happy."

"Well if you think this ship is sailing, then why is Camila sleeping in my bed instead of Lauren's?" Ally ponders.

"It's getting harder and harder for them to hide their feelings, they're afraid," Normani jokes, Dinah on the other hand, takes it seriously.

"Then lets move Chancho back on over to Lauren's place then!" Ally quickly shushes the girl as she begins to get too riled up.

"Just go to bed Dinah, Jesus," Normani laughs.

It was impossible for Lauren to fall asleep that night, but eventually after constant tossing and turning she fell into the lightest slumber. Lauren was never much on sharing the bed with someone, but Camila made it feel right.

Lauren's light slumber is interrupted by a string of harsh knocks on her door. The green eyed girl throws her covers off and races for the door, worry instantly striking the girl. Who could it be at 2:00 in the morning?

Her fingers work quickly with the locks before yanking the door back, revealing her mystery guest.

Emerald instantly connects with a smaller figures fearful brown eyes with tears threatening to spill over.


In an instant the younger girls figure collides with Lauren's, crushing the green eyed girl in a hug. The raven haired girl feels fingertips dig into her back as Camila's head nuzzles into the crook of her neck. One of Lauren's arms wraps around the girls neck while the other rubs circles on her back. "What happened?" Lauren breathes into the smaller girls ear.

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