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Hands on skin. Lips on lips. Lauren's vision is blurred but she can feel the long hair wrapped around her fist and the sweaty body pressed against hers. Lauren couldn't feel any familiar characteristics, the only thing she felt was the girls hips grinding against her own and the sensation between her legs. Holy fuck.

"Lauren! Get your ass up you have class!" Dinah's loud voice stirs the green eyed girl from the dream. Oh god, the dream.

She sits up in the  bed and looks bashfully at her friend. "Why did I give you guys a key to my apartment?" Lauren grunts.

As Lauren stands to her feet Dinah grabs her shoulders, looking strangely at the other girl.

"Lauren, you look like you've seen a ghost. Are you alright?" Lauren's cheeks glow red and she avoids eye contact with the Polynesian girl at all costs.

"You're crazy Dinah," Lauren shakily laughs, walking away from her friend's stare.

Dinah crosses her arms at the stubborn girl, "I don't think I'm crazy. What's up?" 

Lauren walks through her apartment, rushing to get her things together, Dinah didn't seem to mention how late Lauren was.

Dinah followed Lauren, refusing to let the subject slide. "What's it gonna take to get you off my back?" Lauren snaps, pulling a pair of jeans on.

"You telling me what's up."

Lauren sighs, searching through her dresser for a presentable t-shirt. "I just... had a dream it's no big deal."

"A nightmare?" Dinah pries further.

"No," Lauren sighs, pulling an old band t-shirt over her head. "It was a different dream." The green eyed girl turns in Dinah's direction, "The good  kind of dream."

Dinah sat in thought for a moment, pondering over what Lauren was getting at. It all soon clicked in her head and she snapped her eyes up to connect with green ones. "Lauren you nasty!"

Lauren simply shrugged as she slung her backpack over her shoulder, "You insisted."

"No more ew please," Dinah said in disgust as she began to walk away.

"Want details?" Lauren questioned with a smirk. With that, the Polynesian girl fled the scene and scurried back into her own apartment. 

As the green eyed girl rushes from her apartment she can't help trailing her fingers over her lips, that dream felt so real. 

Lauren trots up the steps to her college, well aware of how late she is. As the green eyed girl pulls the door open to her writing class she instantly feels all eyes on her. The girl rushes through the class with her head down.

"Nice to see you Miss Jauregui." The teacher pipes from the front of the room. Lauren returns no notion as she takes her seat. As soon as she's in her chair she instantly feels something different about her surroundings.

The green eyed girl lifts her head, pushing her dark waves out of her eyesight. Out of the corner of her eye she spots a figure by her side. A boy with dark hair pushed back and a light scruff scattered across his face is seated directly beside her. Lauren rolls her eyes in annoyance, she hates being close to a person when she's trying to be creative. 

She chose to ignore the boy beside her, but she couldn't dismiss the feeling of two pairs of eyes on her instead of just the usual single pair. Lauren does her best to focus on the words being spit from the brooding teacher's mouth until he turned everyone loose to work on an assignment due at the end of the week. 

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