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Camila messily runs a towel through her hair as she leans over Lauren. "Baby come on, it's Thursday."

She lightly nudges her girlfriends sleeping figure. The light grunt she received made Camila roll her chocolate brown eyes. "Why must we have this fight every morning?" Camila sighs, pretending like she hates it. When in reality, she loved the every morning struggle.

"Come on, It's the last day we have a three day weekend just pull through today." Camila whines as she begins to tickle at Lauren's sides and poke her cheeks. All the sleeping girl does is simply roll over and toss a pillow over her head. It's so on.

"That's it Jauregui."

Camila scrambles up on the bed, straddling Lauren's figure with her knees firmly planted against the mattress. "Baby," The smaller girl whispers as her hands travel up the back of Lauren's shirt. Camila can feel the goosebumps rise on her skin under her cold touch but she still doesn't budge. Once her hands reach the nape of her neck she slowly begins to rake her nails down the tender skin, eliciting a soft moan from the girl beneath her.

"It's time to get up," She whispers against her ear before gently taking Lauren's earlobe between her teeth. When she feels Lauren's muscles try to fight from squirming Camila smirks against her skin before kissing up her neck and sucking gently where Lauren's neck and jaw meet.

As soon as Camila's teeth begin to graze over the tender skin the older girl instantly ditches the sleeping act. She turns around under Camila before lightly shoving her backwards and straddling her waist. Lauren's dark waves form a curtain around their two faces before Lauren places tender pecks up the girls neck.

"That was new," Lauren whispers, her voice extra raspy from sleep.

"It worked too," Camila smirks before attempting to get up.

"You're not getting out of this that easily." Lauren retorts, refusing to let the younger girl up. Instead of answering Camila begins to tickle at her sides, causing her sexy demeanor to break into a fit of childlike giggles. Lauren could easily give someone whiplash with how quickly her exterior changes.

Camila jumps up with a victorious smile on her face before Lauren reaches out and gently grasps her wrist. "Hey," She playfully whines, the smaller girl turns around and admires her lip jutting out.

And there was her puppy Lauren.

"Can I get a kiss after I brush my teeth?" She shyly asks, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

"You can have all the kisses you want if you just get your ass up and get ready," Camila giggles as a wide smile spreads across Lauren's breathtaking face.

After several minutes Camila walks into the bathroom, she admires the curve of Lauren's backside as she rinses her mouth out in the sink. She's only in her underwear and a shirt, oh God. She walks up to the older girl, smoothly running her fingers up her spine as she watches Lauren dry her mouth off on the hand towel before turning to face Camila.

This girl knows exactly what she's doing to Lauren. "Come here baby," The raven haired girl gently places her atop the bathroom counter. Her digits instantly tangle in Lauren's hair as their lips faintly touch, Lauren can't help the smirk forming on her lips as she slowly tortures the smaller girl.

Lauren definitely wants the kiss more, but she knows that Camila can't resist when their lips are this close in proximity. Camila's breathing picks up as Lauren continuously brushes their lips against each other, this is killing the small girl.

It doesn't take long before Camila's patience practically snaps in half before she crashes her lips against the older girls. She feels Lauren's lips turn up in a smirk before her tongue swipes out across Camila's bottom lip. Her fingers press into the girl's hips as Camila's tongue probes into her mouth.

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