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Bursting through the door with their lips locked, the older girl doesn't hesitate to pin Camila against the now closed door. Their tongues dance together in a gentle rhythm while Lauren's fingers work to push the locks into place.

Lauren's arms wrap tightly around the smaller girls frame. She takes a step forward, their hips connecting causing a gasp to fall from Camila's lips. The older girl instantly broke the kiss, her eyes gazing into chocolate ones.


The smaller girls arms wrap around the older girls neck, pulling their faces closer together. "Talk to me, baby." Lauren gently urges as her hands grasp at Camila's hips.

"I want this." She nearly whispers, making the older girls heart leap in her chest. "I want you." Camila's low words immediately causing Lauren's heart to jump into her throat.

The older girl swallows the lump in her throat before gently grasping Camila's hands, interlacing their fingers. "Okay," She whispers, taking a few steps backwards and leading the smaller girl to the bedroom. "Okay," Lauren quietly breathes to herself as they pass through the threshold into the room.

Once the two are standing at the foot of the bed, Lauren wraps her arms around her girlfriend, puling their bodies closer. "Are you sure about this?" Nervous brown eyes connect with jade. "We don't have to do this if you're not comfortable."

"No, I want this, I'm sure."

"Okay," Lauren nervously breathes out before her hands are encouraging Camila to lay back on the bed.

The younger girl lays back in the center of the bed, her heart beating erratically in her chest as she watches Lauren crawl overtop of her. Camila was about to give herself to Lauren. So many emotions flooded through her but she wasn't scared. Nervous? Yes, but not scared. She had always been terrified when it came to sex because she was always with the wrong people, the wrong people who treated her poorly and took advantage of her. But here she was, laying in the bed of the most breathtaking girl that she has ever seen. Lauren wasn't just beautiful, she was intelligent, loving, gentle, incredible. Camila knew in her heart that she was in good hands, the beauty before her would not take advantage of her, she would care for Camila. Looking into those jade orbs filled with so much affection and care, Camila knew her thoughts were correct.

"Come here," Camila gently commands as she cups the back of Lauren's neck, eagerly connecting their lips. Although there was a smooth rhythm going, Lauren wasn't fully into it.

"What's wrong?" The younger girl breathily whispers as she watches emerald orbs return to her line of vision.

Lauren's knees rest on either side of the smaller girls hips as she releases a sigh. The older girl sits contemplating whether she should tell Camila. That is, until a hand gently caresses her cheek and she looks down into the softest, most captivating brown eyes she's ever seen. "Talk to me, baby."

"I just..." Lauren sighed before just jumping right to it. "I always imagined this differently. Like I would make it more romantic for you, rose petals on the bed and candles and not just the twinkly lights that stay on in here." Lauren nervously chuckled. "I know that's sappy but you're incredible and you deserve all that sappy shit because you're incredible and I... I-"

The older girl is quickly cut off by Camila's lips crashing against hers, instantly sending chills down Lauren's spine.

"I don't need any of that," Camila smiled after the kiss broke.

"You don't?" Lauren insecurely questioned as she looked down at the smile forming on her beautiful girlfriends face.

"No baby. That stuff is nice but I don't need it, it's not important. The only thing that matters to me in this moment is you, not the background." The younger girl puts Lauren at ease before leaning in for another kiss, which is soon ruined by them both smiling like idiots against the others mouth.

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