"Angels Can Fly"

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"Anne, please." He begs, tears in his eyes and strolling down his cheeks. It was easy to say he was still holding back. "Step down from the ledge." I shook my head.

"Don't you see?" I ask him. "Look around, Jeremy." I say, gesturing to the silence and the emptiness of this rooftop. "Nobody's here but you. Nobody cares but you."

"Aren't I enough?"

"To save my life?" I ask him. "Don't step any closer." I tell him when his feet moved.

"People care, Anne."

"Do they?" I ask, "Really?" I pause. "I haven't seen them around anywhere, Jeremy."

"That doesn't mean they don't care."

"Doesn't it?"

"How about Hunter?" He pleads, "And your dad and your Aunt Clara." I look away. "They care."

"Newsflash, Jeremy!" I yell at him. "They're dead! They're gone! They aren't here!"

"That doesn't mean they don't care."

"Doesn't it, Jeremy?!" I ask. I turn away from him. "My life has been a mess. A series of unfortunate events. Can't you see how much it hurts that I can barely feel anymore?"

"We can get you help, Anne." He points out gently.

"I don't want professional help!" I shout. "I don't want it anymore! I'm done, Jeremy! I'm broken beyond repair! Why can't you accept that?"

"You didn't accept it when you told Hunter to keep fighting." He pauses to calm himself down. "Both of them."

"I never said that."

"Didn't you? You may have never physically said it, but do not tell me you never thought it." He tells me. "Please, Anne, get off the ledge. You're an angel that the world needs." With that, I look up to the sky.

"Angels can fly." 

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