Change of Fate

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I woke up. My eyes just opened and I was awake because of the loud, annoying, beeping machine that is called my alarm clock. I sat up after turning it off and ran my hands through my messy blonde hair. I sighed and managed to get up. It's not like I wanted to wake up. I was perfectly fine in my dream land.

I walked towards my vanity set, which my mom got me when I was thirteen (that's how out-of-date I am) and put my hair in a messy bun. Then, I changed into a black blouse and folded the sleeves up mid-way. I also wore normal dark blue jeans and black converse. I put on my black jacket, watch and got my backpack after making sure there was everything inside of it.

I went downstairs and kissed my mother on the cheek as a goodbye. As I was getting out, she stopped me.

"Anne, you still haven't eaten—" She was saying. I mentally cursed and with my back to her, I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, I'm not hungry. I'll get something at school." I answered, turning around. I didn't really like spending time with her. Really because she didn't like to spend time with me either, and I know it. It's not like she was hiding it. I turned around.

"Right. How would you get that without your allowance?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, with a smug look on her face. You could tell that she was pretty proud of herself. I mentally rolled my eyes, grabbed my allowance and left without another word. I could already tell that I would be in trouble when I would get back home... if she remembered.

That's the one advantage with a drunk parent. They forget stuff, so you could act like it never happened.

The thing is when the bad stuff actually happen...

I made my way to school. It wasn't a long walk, but it wasn't a short one, either. Usually, people would bike their way to school from here, but my parents never bought me a car and I don't know how to ride a bike. And neither of them let me use their car or teach me, anyways.

By the time I got to school, my class would start in fifteen minutes. So, I went to my locker, and got the books and notebooks I needed, then put some books that I didn't need out. I was on my way to class when...

"Anne Steele, Anne Steele, can you please report to the principal's office, please. Anne Steele, please report to the principal's office, please." It was unusual to say the least. I wasn't a trouble maker. It wasn't as if I did anything wrong. I walked to the principal's office and knocked on the white wooden door, which had a small window to peek through.

"Come in, Anne." She told me. I walked in and she gestured me to have a seat, so I did. She leaned on her desk with her hands together. Her short brown bob reaching just over her shoulders. "So you're mother tells me that you want to join the welcoming committee." She smiled. I just looked at her. I thought she was kidding, but the longer the pause was, the more I realized that she was serious.

"Mrs. Heron, I don't know what you're talking about." She laughed.

"Don't be silly. She says you want to make friends and meet more people and would like to welcome people to our little community. So, as your first assignment—"

"Wait, Mrs. Heron. I'm serious." Her smile faded. "I never said that. You see me in class, I'm an introvert. I don't talk to anyone."

"Which is why she thought—"

"That's what she thought. I like being alone. I don't want to meet new people. Especially—" We were interrupted by a knock on the door and a boy walking in. He had messy jet black hair that was the kind that said I woke up this hot. He wore a grey jumper and jeans. He wore converse and had these mesmerizing green eyes.

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