May 15, 2015

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May 15, 2015

My birthday. The day I stopped celebrating. A week from now, past me is going to have to go through my brother's death. The day I dread. I was still asleep. I was still dreaming.

I was in a space. With a golden-white light ahead of me. I walked towards it, and two figures appeared. One taller than the other. As I got closer, I realized they were waiting for me. I walked faster, picking up the pace until I was jogging. When I got there, I saw the sight of the two people whom I love. Whim I've lost.

"Dad?" I hugged him, tight. Tighter than ever.

"I saw your note." He said, you could hear the smile in his voice, he hugged back. "And I love you too. Much more than you can imagine. And, yes, I told him. He's right here." He looked to his left. I pulled away, and there I saw him. My little brother.

"Hunter." I smiled, I was crying now. I knelt down and hugged him. Really, really, really tight.

"Hi." He smiled, hugging me back. "I told you, I'd never leave you alone. I'm sorry, but at the same time I'm really happy." I nodded into his shoulder.

"Yep, you better be." I chuckled. "My goodness, Hunter, look at you." I chuckled and hugged him again.

"Happy birthday, sis." He smiled. "Promise you'll do something for me today."

"Yeah, sure, what? Anything." He laughed.

"Celebrate! Come on! I know, one more week, but come on! One more week with me and I don't want you moping around!" He laughed. I laughed, too.

"Okay." I smiled. "Will you be there, too?" I pulled away and I looked at him.

"Yeah! Promise! It'll be fun and everything! Aunt Clara's loving everything. By the way, how's Jeremy?" My eyes widened.

"Who's Jeremy?" My dad teased.

"No one. Imaginary friend. Right, Hunty?"

"I hate it when you call me that."

"That's the point."

"Nope. Jeremy is Anne's boyfriend."

"Oh? For how long?"

"Quite some time now. I think I'll go haunt him."

"Shush, Hunter." They laughed. I hugged them both.

"Bye..." They said, as I heard a repeated call for my name.

"What? No. I don't wanna wake up. Please. It's for a good reason now. Guys, don't le—" And with that they faded and I woke up.

"You were crying in your sleep." Aunt Clara said. I looked at her and gave a small smile.

"Huh..." Was my genius reply.

"A couple letters came in the mail for you."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah." She grinned and gave me the first envelope. It was from the University of Oxford, more specifically, their Medical department. I remember applying for a full funding for their Medical course a couple months ago. My mother and I went through the whole process of even going there for my interview, which was to her, a vacation in Britain. I took it and I opened it, anxious and excited. Please, please, please. I begged in my head that if there was a god or goddess, he or she would let me have this.

Dear Anne,

Congratulations! On behalf of the Admissions Committee, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the University of Oxford with an open offer for your Medical course...

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