| Two |

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|| polaroid

The next few day's Natalia kept the polaroid picture in her wallet, keeping it as a memory of her and Louis.

" Bye Louis. " She walk's over to Louis, pecking him on the lip's.

" Bye Natalia. " He give's her a warm smile before she walked out the door.

Natalia then slipped into her black Range Rover , driving to work.




On the other hand, Louis was out with his mate's at Liam's house.

" Isn't your anniversary coming up Louis? " Niall ask's as he took a sip of his beer.

" Yea it is actually... I was actually thinking about proposing to her." Louis smile's wide and the boy's nod in agreement.

" I mean it has been three year's Lou ... I think your time has come. " Harry's cheesy self explains,

" We could even help you pick put the ring too! " Liam offer's as the other's follow.

" That would be a great help lad's! Thanks. "




Natalia walked into the building of her work.

" Good morning Miss Rosemary. " The receptionist Sarah greet's her as she passed by her desk.

" Mornin Miss Field. " Natalia smile's at her and walk's into the elevator and presses the circular button that went up to her office.

The 20th floor.

As soon as the elevator came to a stop, she walked out and head's to her office.

She then walk's into her plain white office and take's a seat at her desk.

Opening her macbook, she click's her google mail and click's on the very first mail she had gotten today.

From: louis tomlinson

Have a big suprise for ya this saturday love. ;) hope you'll like it. Have a good day at work! I love you Nat. See you later.



Natalia smile's at the email and make's a mental note to respond back later in a few mintutes.

A few hour's have gone by and suddenly the recipionest called her office phone.

" Miss Rosemary? "

" Yes? What is it Sarah? "

" Your six o'clock appointment is here. Sha'll I bring him up? "

She glance's at the clock infront of her seeing that it was already 5:56 pm.

" Yea yea. Bring him up. " Natalia respond's as she play's with her red inked pen.

" Alright then. Thank you for your time Miss Rosemary."

Natalia hum's in response before hanging up the phone, waiting for her patient to come into the room.




Louis lay's on their bed examining the two ring's in the small navy blue box.

' she's gonna say yes louis. Dont worry about it ...' Louis thought.

Louis put's the ring's back in the bag and hide's it in his ADIDAS jumper.

He just couldn't wait till saturday.

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