| Four |

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Louis thought about how they were going to perform at New York for 'Good Morning America' but he and the boy's backed out because they were scared of the questions they were gonna ask, because of all the rumor's going around about them.

But, he wanted to go so he could propose.

He pleaded the boy's over and over again till they said yes.

And they did.

They were now going to be at GMA.

They only had this day and tomorrow to rehearse for the show.

So, Louis was pretty busy and so were the boy's.

Natalia understood his job with the guy's.

She really did.

All she knew was that they were just going to be interviewed and that they were performing some song's.

But she didnt know about the proposal.





" Okay guys, last song for the show. What song should we sing? " Liam ask's the three of the guys, raising his eyebrow in the process.

" We could sing Night Change's? " Niall asked but they all shook our head's in disagreement.

" We could but- " Louis was just about to finish his sentance but, Harry cutt him off.

" Can't we sing our new song? " He asks.

Everyone gave eachother glance's before deciding.

Drag Me Down it is.





The guy's praticed and praticed till they got it right.

Sure they fooled around at point's but, they managed to get the job done.

" So are you ready Louis? " Harry sat beside him looking at the diamond ring in Louis' hand's.

" Y-yea. Just nervouse mate. I mean just one more day. One. I just cant w-wait. " He chuckle's a bit and put's the ring's away.

Harry rub's his back and speaks.

" She's gonna say yes okay. You guy's have been together for three years. Plus two years of being friends thanks to me. " Harry smirk's at his accomplishment.

" Yea yea. Thank you. " Louis mumbles under his breath.

" Okay lad's! Let's rehearse one last time. " The director of the show demand's while the guy's head up on the stage and practice one last time before the next morning.

Louis just couldn't stop smiling.

Nothing was going to stop him from proposing to Natalia.






Or so he thought.

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