| Five |

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|| polaroid

Natalia came home that day.

She was exhausted from work.

It was already 8:57 pm. And Louis was no where to be found.

She went up to their room sighing as she layed on the perfectly made bed.

Wondering where Louis was, she called and called Louis over and over again.

' Hi you've reached Louis Tomlinson's phone. Sorry I couldn't answer your call. Im probably busy or either hanging out with my lovely girlfriend. -

Louis' voice was then replaced with Natalia's.

' Yup. So i guess he'll call you later. Byeee! '

The voicemail ended and Natalia smiled.

She hung up the phone and texted him asking where he was.

When he didn't answer she texted Liam.

A few minutes passed and they both didn't answer.

' Maybe their just busy at the studio or something. ' Natalia thought to herself.

She looked at her phone and furrowed her eyebrow's when she realised that it was already 9:32 pm.

Natalia went onto her contact's pressing the first name she saw.









The three guy's rushed into the hospital immediately running toward the receptionist.

" Hi. How may I help you? " The young lady politely asks them.

" Hi were looking for L- louis tomlinson? " Liam pant's while rubbing his red blood shot eyes.

The receptionist Claire, type's some word's into her computer typing in Louis Tomlinson.

She read his name and looked for his room number.

" Ah yes. He's in room ... Room a twenty three. Its just across the hall right over there. " She give's the guy's instructions to Louis' room while they thank her.

They run towards his room, opening it.

Right infront of them was a sight they could not believe.

Louis was laying on the hospital bed with tube's and wires around him.

He was breathing through a tube that connected to an oxygen tank.

He had bruises all over his face and a cast around his left leg and right arm.

Next to the ingured lad was a tray of surgical tools.

A male doctor came into sight and sighed.

" Are you guy's here for Louis Tomlinson? " He asks.

' Of course we are. That's why were here dumbass. ' Harry thought to himself as he mentally rolled his eyes.

"Yes we are. "

" Well is it okay if I talk to you guy's in private? " The guy's all nod as they follow the doctor in the empty hallway next to Louis' room.

" How did this happen? "


Louis was now very nervous for tomorrow morning.

He left the stage and ran inside the black van that was in the parking lot.

The boy's were just about to follow him when Liam decided that they should let him have alone time.

Louis was sitting on the black leathered passenger seat while looking out the window seeing that he was in front of the long road way.

Literally in front of.

He thought about what would happen if Natalia said no to him.

He knew that he would be devastated.

Louis stayed in the car for a good 10 minutes before deciding to head back to the stage.

But, before he went out of the car, he heard the familiar sound of car's honking.

The sound came closer and closer.

He looked up and saw a white mustang heading right to him.

The last thing he saw was the young male in the driver's seat driving towards him.

Right before he blacked out into the darkness.


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