| Seven |

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|| polaroid

It was now March twenty fourth and Louis Tomlinson passed the next day.

The day Louis passed, she was the one to pull the plug.

She didn't want to, she wanted Louis to live. She wished that before she pulled the plug, Louis would wake up.

He didnt.

Niall was at her house taking care of her.

She sat on the carpet infront of the closet looking into the box of Louis' thing's.

Niall walked into her room sitting down at the edge of the bed.

" Looking through his things eh? " Niall let out a soft chuckle.

Natalia nodded slowly picking up his ADIDAS jumper.

When she hugged the jumper out came two small navy blue boxes.

She stared at it, confused on what to do.

She looked at Niall and he gave her a small smile and gestured to the small boxes.

" Open it love. "

Love. That's what louis would call me.. Natalia shook her head at the thought.

She took the boxes in her hand's and sat beside Niall.

She examined it once more before opening it.

Inside was a silver diamond ring.

It was shaped like a tiara.

She gasped at it and opened the other box.

It was just like the other one, but it was shaped like a crown.

She took out the first ring she pulled out and stared at it.

She looked at the ring admiring the diamond's inside the tiara shaped ring and engraved inside the edge of the ring was;

Princess Natalia

Natalia put her hand over her mouth as she felt a small tear run down her cheek.

Niall looked at her and rubbed her back.

" He was gonna propose the day we had to go on GMA. He wanted it to be live. " He shook his head and smiled.

' He was gonna propose to me. ' Natalia thought and placed the rings back in the box.

" I would say yes. Ya know, if he was s-sti ... " Natalia's voice cracked and she stopped talking.

Niall nodded understanding her and gave her a side hug.

" He was so nervous. You know, he loves you alot Natalia. Alot. "

" And I love him too. I still love him actually... Louis was.. He was ... "

Niall then cut Natalia off from her sentance.

" Different? "

" Yea. Different. "





On April the second was Louis' funeral.

His family, the boys and especially Natalia were now placing red roses ontop of his coffin.

Natalia was the very last to do so.

And before she did, she whispered a soft i love you before she placed the red rose right in the middle of the coffin.

She walked toward's Niall wrapping her left arm around his waist giving out a small wimper as tear's rolled down her cheeks.

Ever since Louis' incident Niall and Natalia became closer than ever.

" I miss him so much Niall. " She whispered into his chest.

" I do too. We all do. "

Niall kissed the top of her head while Louis' coffin was now being sent six feet under the ground.

' See you soon Louis. I love you. '

Natalia covered her face when she sent that prayer to Louis making her shake as Niall comforted her.

She cried into Niall's chest.

Once Louis' funeral was done, people started to leave for the catering.

Not Natalia.

" Are you coming Natalia? " Niall asked.

" I- i'll just meet you guy's there. "

Niall nodded and went into the car with the boys leaving Natalia standing infront of Louis' open grave.

She stood there looking down at him. There was a small sad smile on her face. She sniffles but, before walking back to her car, she turned around to look at Louis one last time.

" I'll never forget you Louis Tomlinson. Never. "

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