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Ross's POV

She collapses into my arms before her puppy dog eyes disappear behind her eyelids. Her eyelashes curl up as I easily pick her up bridal style. I honestly want to see the eyes I fell deeply in love with again. The moon sparkled perfectly with her brown orbs. Her head is pressed against my chest making a tingly feeling run up and down my body. I stare down at her sweet pink lips needing a taste. When I lean down to give her a light peck a loud honk makes me jump back.  

"Ross! We need to leave now!" My older brother Riker yells through the car window.

I let out a soft sigh knowing he's right. Someone's bond to come across our situation if we don't leave now. I rush toward the van and slide open the back door. I get in with my love still tightly wrapped in my arms. Riker immediately steps hardly on the gas pedal, peddling away from the beach as I sit down on the van floor staring down at my Laura.

"I can't believe you talked me into this." Riker says nervously as I roll my eyes.

"Just shut up, and drive." I say clearly annoyed as Riker sighs.

My eyes are locked with the most beautiful human being that could ever lay a toe on this planet, and she's tightly secure in my arms as I softly stroke her cheek.

"You really love her, don't you?" Riker asks while taking small glances at me through the mirror.

"More than anything." I whisper still not daring to take my eyes off my Laura.

"Did you already buy everything she needs?" Riker asks curiously.

"I've handled everything. Don't worry about it." I say not really wanting to talk and only wanting to be amazed by Laura's natural beauty.

I mean she doesn't even wear makeup, how could anyone be this beautiful? She's never had a boyfriend either which comes so shockingly to me, and when Lucas tried to touch her I lost it. I grabbed the closest thing that looked like it could knock someone out and didn't think twice before striking him out. I've been watching Laura for as long as I could remember, falling in love with her for the most simplest things she did. Yeah, I do live in LA, but I always fly out to Hawaii to see my true love. I mean I'm rich, why not? I have more money than I could ever need, but that's what I get for being in a famous band, right. 

"Are we almost there?" I ask getting a little antsy, but looking down at Laura calms me down a bit.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes." He says driving way past the speed limit to our private plane.

I keep myself steady so Laura won't fall out of my arms. I'm so deep into thought about Laura I don't even notice the van stop, but when I do I immediately open the van door and slide out. The wind blows in my face as the plane stands in front of my view.

"ROSS WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THE VAN?!" Riker yells loudly, but I can barely hear him over the plane.

"DRIVE IT IN THE BACK OF THE PLANE! I'LL OPEN IT FOR YOU!" I yell as Riker nods and runs back to the van.

As for me I run up the stairs in order to get in the plane and immediately go to the pilots spot. I flick a switch as I hear the back door of the plane open.

"Rydel!" I scream exiting the piolets spot as Rydel runs up to me breathing heavily, she's nervous too.

"What is it? Have we've been caught?" She asks trembling in fear as I shake my head.

"I need you to keep an eye on Laura while I fly us out of here." I plead as she nods in understand meant.

She takes Laura from my arms as I immediately want her warmth back, but we need to get the hell out of here first. Riker comes running in as Rydel takes Laura in the back, and as for me I return back to the piolets spot, and take a seat on my chair. I buckle up, flick a few switches, press a couple buttons, and we're off.

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