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Phil's POV:

"Haha I just did Superman! Okay I'm going go swim now, that was weird... BYYEE!" I ended filming my new video that I was going to call 'Sea Badger' and went to put the camera away, grabbing my phone on the way to my desk.

I decided to scroll through Twitter before dinner was ready. When I clicked on the app I noticed that there was the number '1' by messages. I clicked on it and noticed it was from '@danisnotonfire'.

It said:
'Hi Phil! My name is Dan and I am a HUGE fan of yours. I noticed you like Muse. I like Muse too! I think we might have a lot in common. Also, I was wondering if you could maybe teach me how to make videos, because I am interested in starting YouTube to maybe distract me from some things going on in my life right now. If you could message me back that would be great!'

He sounded interesting. I hit the reply button and typed back.

'Hey Dan! I'm glad you're a fan! I'll follow you so we can talk more!' I hit send, feeling bad that I had replied late.

He eventually messaged me back, and a few days after, we were exchanging phone numbers. I felt like we would end up being great friends.

I like Dan, he has a great personality. He's kind of mysterious, but I like it. I really want to meet him one day, hopefully soon.

The One - Phanfic AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant