Not Such a Stranger

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Phil's POV:

I woke up late this morning because I slept through my alarm. I have a meeting in London to get to in 2 hours! That means in the time span of two hours I have to take a shower, straighten my hair, walk (or should I say run) to the train station, and sit on the train that goes from Manchster to London.(A/N: I did my research, it takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes to get from Manchester to London via train). Which leaves me about 5-10minutes to run to the building where the meeting takes place, if I calculated the timing correctly.

Once I'm done with my hair I quickly grab my jumper and run out the door of my flat. I sometimes wish people could read my mind so they know when to get out of my way when I'm in a rush. Why do people have to be so slow?!

I reach the station just in time before my train leaves. I hop on and wait for the grueling train trip to be over with.

*time skip*

The train finally arrives in the London station and I sprint off, maybe tripping over other people's feet a few times, but I do get off. I grab a map they have accessible for the public, because I don't know London that well, and begin running in the direction I need to go. I look down at the map to double check I am going the right way, and I realize it was upside down. Great Phil, this is exactly what you need right now. I fix the map and turn around, running back the way I came. Turning around a corner I don't realize another person is walking straight towards me and we collide, him spilling his Starbucks all over is shirt.

"Oh my God sir, I am so sorry I didn't know you were there, I didn't see you walking otherwise I would have moved! I'm so so so so so sorry I am just in a rush an-" I stop my sentence realizing he wasn't replying at all. Just staring at me, his mouth hanging slightly open in an adorable way, his eyes glinting with shock.

"Okay well, I would help, but-" I look down at my watch seeing that I am now over 25 minutes late. "But I am already running really late for my meeting. Bye." I said awkwardly and I just walked away, not waiting for a reply.

*time skip*

All throughout the meeting, I could only think about the brown hair, brown eyed boy that I ran into. He was gorgeous. His eyes crinkled the slightest bit. Wearing all black and looking extremely attractive in it. His fringe hanging slightly over his left eye, making him look mysterious. I wonder who this boy is? I felt like I knew him, but I didn't exactly recognize him. I felt a connection with him, like we have known each other for a while. How could that be though? I don't know that many people, aside from by two friends Chris and PJ. But I was shocked because he was silent the whole time, as if he didn't care that I had just made him spill coffee all over himself.

Then I realize why I recognize the black clothing and mysterious look... I ran into Dan. I met Dan Howell and didn't even realize it because I was too caught up in work. How stupid can I possibly be?! I'm such a terrible friend! Wow. I can't believe I screwed up my first meeting with Dan so badly. I feel terrible. I have to make it up to him.

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