I was so happy

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It felt as if time had stopped as you stared up at the ceiling of the library in zone 2, your mind opening up to the secrets of the relatively readable books. Hell, time was something that didn't really exist anyway, so you weren't too fazed by it. Rolling onto your side, you flipped open the book you were voraciously reading and continued your paragraph. 

"The Toad King. King of the Toads. Ribbit." you nattered. A habit of yours really- you tended to get a bit carried away in your thoughts most of the time. You weren't an Elsen you assumed, since you looked nothing like them but... at the same time you didn't actually know what you were to be so tired all the time. 

"Buenos dias, amiga!" chirped a familiar voice from the top of the staircase. You turned your head to meet his everlasting grin on his cat mask resembling the Judge. 

"Salut, Zacharie!" you replied with a wave. You'd been trying to learn French ever since you met Zacharie and learned that he could speak god-knows-how-many languages, and felt the need to raise yourself to his standard. 

The Merchant made his way towards you, setting down his wares against the wall before sitting himself down against the bookshelf, right next to you. For some reason even this simple gesture made you furiously think about your growing crush for him, which you tried your best to ignore since - he was your best friend. 

He stole a glance at the book you were reading, and rested his head in the palms of his hands. "You're reading that again, mon amie?" 

"Better than what you read.." you mumbled, pouting and looking away. Zacharie, as always looked amused with your reaction. 

"What is it that I read, dear (Y/N)?" you could practically hear him smirking.

You glared at him and shoved him aside, making him fall off the support of his elbows. "You know exactly  what you read." 

He faked an offended gasp, covering his mouth with his hand. "Amiga! How dare you accuse me of looking at such lewd novels!" he sat back up and leaned back on the bookcase. "But since you are of the ignorant type, I must inform you that I, amiga, do not look at such things. It is disrespectful to you, non?" 

You raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to lift his hands in surrender. You nodded slowly, before closing your book and putting it back in its slot on the bookshelf before turning to the masked man before you. "I nearly thought you were goin' to show me up." 

He turned to look at you and noted your slightly hurt expression on your face, and pulled you in close so your head rested on his chest. "Je suis désolé, mon amié(I'm sorry, my friend). I just got a new customer who's bringing in credits by the thousands, and you know that I needed to procure some things and -" 

You cut him off by placing your hand on the side of his neck. "I know you're a busy man." you sighed and curled up in his lap. "But I don't always get to see you, y'know? I just thought maybe once in a while you could clear up your schedule," 

Zacharie stroked your hair and ran his fingers through your locks. His happy tone had slightly lowered, suiting the situation. "..Apologies, amiga. I missed you too, in fact I -" He interrupted himself by a sharp intake of breath. 

Confusion spread on your face as you looked at him. "In fact you...?" 

"I-It's nothing, amiga. Just - forget I said anything." 

"Okay? Is something wrong?" you were beginning to worry. 

"Ma petit bichette(My little doe), nothing is wrong. Ne t'inquiète pas(Don't worry). I'll try my hardest to be present earlier next time." 

"Il peut ne pas être une prochaine fois(There may not be a next time), Zacharie." you muttered.

It was only then, in the silence and the stillness of the third floor of the Zone 2 library, could you hear your heart beating through your ears and the heat on your cheeks as Zacharie muttered something barely audible, "With you amiga, there will be more than that."

Mon chou [A Zacharie x Reader Story]Where stories live. Discover now