The piece between

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The Batter gripped his bat tensely, his add ons falling in line behind him. They always did, anyway. But it wasn't the add ons he wished would follow behind him everywhere he went, listening to his every order and whim -- but it was another certain glitch, one that would take some bothering to attach to his entity. A girl not from this game, and you knew exactly who that was.


"You do know that selling meat out in the open makes it go off right," You commented, poking some Abaddon's meat while Zacharie packed. It didn't seep blood, but it seeped some black substance instead.

Zacharie looked over his shoulder from the crates he was packing. "Well it's definitely going to go OFF if you keep touching it like that, Mon chou." He sealed off the boxes he was packing and got up from his kneeling position.

"Besides, aren't you only supposed to touch me like that?" He lifted his mask over his head, letting it hang loose behind him.

You scoffed, putting the meat back into the styrofoam tray. "Because I poke you a little and some black stuff comes out? Is that what I should be doing?"

He laughed and shook his head, pulling his bag up on his shoulders and pulling you to his side by your waist. "My, my, what a knack for comebacks you have, (Y/N). Did you perhaps learn that from the spectres up in the third floor?"

You giggled and pushed him away, ready to pounce on him when the Batter came striding in, his clothes drenched in red. Hadn't you just seen him just hours ago? Time flies.

Zacharie's head immediately shot to greet his customer.

"Greetings, amigo! Funny seeing you here once again, on such a red occasion too!"

He brushed off his greeting and laid his crooked bat on the counter. It had blood smears and scratches and dents. Even his add ons didn't look too good.

"I need a new bat."

Zacharie took the mauled bat into his hands. "What happened?" He began fishing around in his backpack for a suitable bat to the capped man's budget. It was quite a lot.

"No time for small talk, Zacharie. I simply did what I always do. I purify." He turned his head to the right a little. "Unlike you unto (Y/N)." He muttered, just below his breath. Zacharie obviously heard it.

The Batter turned his head to you, tipping his cap a little. "(Y/N)." Was he calling you or was that a greeting?

"Batter." You offered a gentle smile but he had already looked away. Zacharie placed a fresh, shining new bat on the counter. Six hundred and fifty credits for a bat that looked exactly the same. Now that is corrupted, but you didn't really care to get into these things. The Batter placed his credits on the table, earned from beating up the Elsen. Where did the credits even come from after he killed them? Their pockets?

As the Batter took hold of his new bat, Zacharie took hold of the other side and pulled the Batter closer. If you hadn't feelings for Zacharie already, you swore you'd push them together. Now you just felt a little uncomfortable and protective.

"Écoute moi, enfoiré. Je ne suis pas stupide, et vous non plus. (Listen here, motherfucker. I'm not stupid, and neither are you.)" Zacharie felt a slight tug on the other end of the bat but didn't let go.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Let go now." His voice seemed even more distant and cold than before. 

Zacharie tightened his grip then let go, forcefully pushing it into the Batter's chest. You hadn't heard any of it, and you didn't really care. This business was between Zacharie and Batter, and you didn't feel like being involved. 

He straightened up and waved at the Batter. "Thanks for visiting, always a pleasure meeting you, amigo!" 

The Batter turned a look at you. "(Y/N). You should be helping me purify this land."

"There's nothing to purify, it's just how this world is. It's corrupt and it will always be corrupt, no matter how hard you try. Corruption is our foundation." 

One of the onion rings shot out and came down around you, pulling you to the Batter. Apparently, his onion rings do his bidding now too. 

You heard Zacharie yell, practically hopping over the counter. You held a hand out to stop him.

"I suppose you're right. I may just have to dispose of this whole world if I am to get what I want." The Batter took no notice of Zacharie, standing with his fists clenched.

"And what is it that you want, Batter?" You pulled your mouth into a slight smile. The Batter moved his head closer to the crook of your neck and stayed by your ear, his mouth slightly open. He didn't say anything, but you could feel his soft breathing on your neck. The onion ring lifted itself from around you before rejoining its group.

"See you, (Y/N)." He walked out briskly, followed by his add ons.

You let out a sigh of relief, having been finally freed from all that close contact. It made you extremely nervous and you were a pretty chill person, especially with Zacharie around.

Zacharie ran to the side the Batter had lingered on and immediately placed a soft kiss on the area.

"Did he touch you?"

"No he- he actually didn't say anything. Weird." Semi observation and ignoring the elephant in the room were two of your biggest talents.

"The next zone I'll have to see to is-- not quite a zone but-- I don't know what it is. It pains me to do this but- I need you to go back to your library." He held your hand tightly.

"No way, I left you years ago and now you're finally back, I am not leaving you again!" You half cried.

"(Y/N) please," He begged, "Perhaps there was a reason we were separated. Perhaps the universe, if one even exists in this game knew that by my side you would be in danger. The universe must have been protecting you, and I've come and obliterated it."

"Shut up Zacharie! Even if there were a universe, it knew our paths would cross again. You were never far from me but you were just so goddamn busy!" You snatched your hands away from him now, tears filling your eyes. In a fight, it's best not to say things that are true because you would never be able to take it back. And here you were, dishing them out like fried chicken.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be. Please just-" 

"No." Tears were falling from your eyes now as you crossed your arms and backed away slightly.

"(Y/N)," He stepped closer to you.

"It was a long shot that you'd even see my letter the day I invited you over to the library, and it'll be a long shot that I'll ever see you again." Your words were quieter and shakier now. You didn't want to be too vulnerable and start bawling.

"You may not see me. But I don't want to keep moving with the idea that I may not see you ever again. You- you're more precious than credits to me."

Great, he's comparing you to money now.

"Fine. Fine. I'll probably die on the way or something." You walked quickly out of the room, your cheeks hot and your mind a little hazed. You felt the breeze from when Zacharie tried to grab your hand and you quickly evaded him. When he was out of your sight, you ran for the red box, ready for your life to get sucked out of you.

Fuck Zacharie, and fuck you for ever believing he'd never let you get away again.


Zone 2. Zone 2? Zone 2, Zone 2. Zone 2 was pink, mostly a color that always gave you a headache which was why you never went out much. 

So why was it all white?

((Well it's been a while :P Sorry I've been busy and I don't have a proper phone to post on right now. Yeah so Zach swearing in French sounds so fancy and excuse my french lmao I took french for only a year.  Yandere Batter is quite what I'm going for so don't be surprised if elements from the yandere simulator game appear. I was looking at the stats and chapter 6 had the MOST stats omg ya'll are sinners bye jesus

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