smiling man

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After the smooth kissing session that was not at all awkward, the two of you stepped off the ride, Zacharie never letting go of your hand and walking down towards the entrance of the roller coaster. You could not think of what to say after what just happened, your cheeks were still all pink from the recent activities.

Did that mean he liked you or..?

"(Y/N)? C'mon, mon chou don't leave me now!" Called the Merchant, snapping his slender fingers in front of your face.

"Wh-huh?" You came out of your daydream looking a little flustered.

"My my, already dreaming are we?" He shook his head, slipping his arms under you and holding you close in bridal style.

"I guess that means I'll need to carry you so you can dream properly." He smiled under his mask. You smiled back too.

"For once I'm happy you're treating me as if I could not stand on my own two feet,"

He carried you back to the mall, where he would have to wait for a certain customer to meet him. He nested you in a pile of blankets and fluffy pillows in the corner of the area while he stood patiently behind the counter, sighing as he saw how peaceful you looked.

But he knew this game.

Peaceful is merely an illusion.


A tall man about 6 foot stood in front of the counter, examining Zacharie's wares that he had laid out. Your eyes slowly opened as the game's default brightness finally managed to tell you to wake up. You stretched in the pile of blankets, making the weird moaning noises. Both Zacharie and the tall man looked at you.

The tall man was painfully pale dressed in a baseball uniform above a black turtleneck, brandishing a crooked bat smeared with....blood? Murderer. His two sets of eyes scanned you before raising his bat slightly.

"Zacharie, stand back. Adversaries detected. Purifica-"

"Woah woah woah, Batter darling, but you can stop doing your drama queen entrance now. That's not an adversary, silly. That is my partner!" He threw his hands in the air and spun around like a princess.

The Batter quirked an eyebrow and lowered his bat, tilting his head to look at you.

"Then... What are you?"

You scoffed, pushing hair out of your face, "(Y/N) is my name, which you should have enquired before trying to assassinate me."

"Her attitude is impure. Zacharie, are you sure of her identity?"

"Batter, give me your credits or leave." Zacharie rested his head in his hand, leaning on the desk and staring intently with his frog mask. The batter rolled his eyes and quickly took out a huge wad of credits from his back pocket, leaving a few thousand on the table and lugging Abaddon and Belial's meat on one shoulder, a brand new Michael bat on the other.

After he walked through to the puzzle of the fully blue mall with his glowing onion ring behind him, Zacharie turned to you, laying down beside you and pushing some hair away from your face.

Your eyes widened and you had a soft glow emitting from your cheeks. Zacharie chuckled, pulling you close.

"Sorry about that, he's not the nicest customer I have."

"Not as nice as you, anyway." You giggled.

"I am not nice!" Protested Zacharie.

"Sure you aren't, cat mask wearing frog."

Mon chou [A Zacharie x Reader Story]Where stories live. Discover now