and the water carried us

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((WARNING. CHAPTER LONG (that's what she said)))

The pedalo ride seemed to last a lifetime, probably since you were so bashful and weird about Zacharie giving you a kiss on your cheek. No, two kisses on your cheek. Your mind kept replaying that moment, but harshly swatted away the memory after remembering about the rumors with Zacharie and a mysterious human named Sugar. You weren't angry at her, after all Zacharie was your best friend and you obviously wanted him to be happy but... jealousy was a normal emotion.

The boat arrived at new ground with a thump. You looked up from your shelter of blankets and saw the entrance to the amusement park and Zacharie unloading his wares and holding out a hand to help you out.

"Coming?" he asked, looking right at you. You shrugged and took his hand, carefully stepping out of the pedalo so as to not push it away out into the water. The masked merchant gathered everything from the boat and stuff it into his backpack, before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer, like it was natural. He began walking you down the steps, giving a few motivational "Watch your step," and, "Careful, amiga."

When you were at the bottom you glared at him. "I'm not a baby anymore. I know how to walk down 3 fucking steps,"

"Always my baby, though." he gave a chuckle as you stared on. He shrugged and walked ahead, only stopping to look behind and find that you had not moved.

He let go of the straps of his backpack to gesture toward the park entrance, you shaking your head and slowly sauntering over.

"This better not be some scam, amigo," you hissed.

"Now why would I scam my (Y/N)? It seems a little undesirable," he bowed and you giggled as you entered the area of calming pastel blues and purples. Your mouth fell open in a gasp as the enchanting atmosphere captured you and the sound of park music filled the air. On either side of you was a bed of roses, and further ahead were at least 3 other attractions. Zacharie joined and stood beside you.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he observed.

"Quite the ego you've got there?" You laughed and nudged him. "But seriously omg this is so beautiful how did you make this?"

"Some connections here and there, but otherwise it was all the work of nature. I just took advantage of a cheap plot," he said, then ruffled your hair. "You're always cooped up in that library if you're not travelling the nothingness. No wonder I never meet you on my business journeys. There are spectres on the third floor of that library and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Spectres schmectres," you blabbed. "They're only dangerous if you don't know how to kill 'em,"

Zacharie held your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. "If you're not going to protect yourself, I'll have to."

"I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!" you whined.

Zacharie chuckled and took your hand. "Okay, short stack. I have to drop off my bag in my office and then I'll take you around, capiche?"

"Still not a baby," you grumbled pouting. Zacharie's insides fluttered from your adorableness (which he had seen since you were 13) and he lifted his mask to kiss your forehead.

"Right. You coming?" he asked. You nodded and followed behind him into the right section of the area. The both of you headed towards a small doorway guarded by an Elsen, who gave a forced smile and allowed you in. You looked around the neater room, with a treasure chest at every corner. Zacharie set down his bag on the chair behind his table before joining you at the doorway. He took your hand and walked you out of the room, going off in the corner on a circle to call a pedalo.

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