chapter 13

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All was well until their next mission when it was time for darkness. While they were all sleeping after celebrating their two new members, it was slowly becoming more dark and depressing over Acmetropolis. They did not know what it was, as of now, they had to wait until Zadavia would tell them like she always does.

"I-It's getting kind of dark." Estelle said once she noticed.

"Kinda reminds me of Aunt Cherry's place..." Akito thought it was darker than it really needed to be.

"Something's wrong, I can feel it." Leo, Akito's Fuzz-Z, said in it's animal language.

"I agree, this darkness doesn't seem normal." Akito said, having the same feeling.

Akito and Estelle decided to see the others as they were just lounging, unaware of the dangers of today so far.

"Hello, Super Hero's Costume Warehouse?" Duck was on the phone. "I'm trying to place an order! Hello?" he didn't seem to have any signal.

Slam was eating watermelons and offered some to Akito and Estelle once he saw them.

"No thank you, Slam." the twins said politely before joining Tech, Ace, and Lexi.

Slam shrugged, then went back to savagely eating, at least he was eating fruit.

"What's tech doing?" Akito asked Ace, after seeing the coyote meditating in the above floor. "And how is he floating?"

"He's meditating," Lexi said without looking, knowing that was normal for the coyote. "Loosens up stress for him."

"Cool." Estelle said.

Duck was very annoyed by Slam's eating habits and tried to tune it out as he was on the phone.

"So Duck, why are you trying to get a new uniform?" Estelle asked him.

Duck was told the hold on the phone after placing an order and jumped up right next to her. "Just giving myself a little more flair, trying to look my best and presentable for the big boss lady." he replied, trying to sound cool as always.

Slam merely grinned after eating more melons.

"How does Tech meditate like that?" Akito wondered.

"I showed him how to do it." Ace answered with a proud smile.

"Cool." Akito said.

Duck struggled with his phone. "This is ridiculous!" he got cranky. "It's the 28th century! We got jet packs, hovercrafts, computer synchronized watch activity, but I still can't get a good cell service on the 183rd floor!"

Suddenly, his phone rang which woke Tech up from his peaceful zen.

"Duck, shut that ringer off..." Tech grunted, annoyed and trying to sound generous.

"Hey, at least the ringer works, the rest of it is junk!" Duck scoffed.

"Oh, please, I bet you couldn't laste one day without technology." Akito said to Duck.

"I agree with Akito." Tech added in.

Duck was about to retort, but then his phone beeped and rang. "Hello? Hello!" he then gave up after there was no answer. "Oh, that does it! From now on, no more technology! I'll do everything the old-fashioned way!"

"Aunt Cherry and Uncle Forte live like that." Estelle remarked based on visits she had in the past with Akito when visiting the creepy and spooky couple.

"Yeah right..." Lexi doubted the duck. "No phone, no MP3 music boxer 5000."

"And no high-tech weapons?" Ace added.

Akito and the LoonaticsWhere stories live. Discover now